[Hero] Achievements in Katalam [Hero/Daily/Group] First achievement [Hero/Daily/Group] Second achievement [Hero/Daily/Group] Third achievement [Hero/Daily/Group] Fourth achievement [Hero/Alliance] Claw of the Governor [Hero/Group] Eliminating the Asmodian General [Hero/Group] Eliminating the Asmodian Officers [Hero/Alliance] Eliminating the Dredgion Commander [Hero] Eliminate the Guardian General [Hero] Eliminate the Beritra Army Brigade General 1 [Hero/Group] Eliminate the Beritra Army Brigade General 2 [Hero/Alliance] Eliminate the Beritra Army Brigade General 3 [Hero] Hall of Knowledge completed [Hero/Group] Idgel Research Laboratory completed [Hero/Group] Void Room completed [Hero] Lord of Katalam [Hero/Group] Raging Rune Spirits [Hero/Group] Beritra Intelligence Evildoers [Hero/Alliance] Hidden Rune Relic [Hero] Excellent results [Hero/Daily/Group] The Rune Spirit's intense thirst for blood Undo brainwashing Inconveniences of daily life Difficult coexistence Eliminate failures Find the Research Journal of the Rune Tribe On the trail of the Head Researcher The mine belongs to us! Trouble for the lazy worker Inspection of the mining profits Unhappy workers Uproar in the mine All for the Ore Mine Mairinerk's Acolyte Mining tool for ore extraction Secure the evidence [Group] Mine expansion Stay within the time limit Frost hazard First steps in the Underground Insufficient battle rations Forced tears are the best In the name of the ad-mi-ra-ble Shugo's revenge Orders that you would rather read in secret Disturbance in the Idium gathering operation Replenish the amount of glowing Idium The Secret of Nomrunerk's Rations Stop the Tracking Squad Examination of the Id Mine Development Area Eliminating the Rebuilders Squad Lashiv's revenge Offer from a Tiamat Officer The secret records of the survivor of Tiamat's Legion Location of the Rune Tribe weapon [Alliance] The location of the Hyperion weapon Traces of the Rune Tribe The secret of the sealed grave The legend of the Rune Witch [Alliance] Destroying the 5th Unit Stop Grazda [Urgent Orders] Kurius' Request Strategy of the Shugos [Group] Valuable relics Nomrunerk's secret ingredient A special spice [Cash] Trading with Shugos 1 [Cash] Trading with Shugos 2 [Cash] Aktorunerk's offer Shukrunerk's attractive offer A new battlefield A New Battlefield Order Transmission [Group] Capture the Tiamat Basin Securing the Abyss Invasion Eliminating Obstacles Lost Infiltration Report Unused Quest Advance to Gelkmaros Unused Quest Unused Quest An Enticing Offer Unused Quest Ithea's Offer Unused Quest Unused Quest Unused Quest Unused Quest [Urgent Orders] Portuna's Request [Urgent Orders] Peleus' Request [Urgent Orders] Titonos' Request [Urgent Orders] Tiphaon's Request [Urgent Orders] Timborik's Request [Urgent Orders] Pharis' Request [Urgent Orders] Pasipa's Request [Urgent Orders] Penteus' Request [Urgent Orders] Obetor's Request [Urgent Orders] Polidegmon's Request [Urgent Orders] Pompeius' Request [Daily] Securing the Fissure Barrier Field [Daily] Securing the Marching Route [Daily] Securing the Ancient Supply Route [Urgent Orders] Support for Veille [Urgent Orders] Elger's Request [Weekly] Attack in the North [Weekly] Defend the Northern Base [Weekly] Protect the Northern Base [Weekly] Protect the Western Base [Weekly] Defend the Western Base [Weekly] Protect the Western Base [Weekly] Defend the Eastern Base [Weekly] Attack in the East [Weekly] Protect the Eastern Base [Weekly] Attack in the South [Weekly] Defend the Southern Base [Weekly] Protect the Southern Base [Weekly] Protect the Main Base The Discovery of Kaldor [Urgent Orders] Alphion's Request [Weekly] Protect the Northern Outpost [Weekly] Defend the Northern Outpost [Weekly] Protect the Southern Outpost [Weekly] Defend the Southern Outpost Defective Power Generators Flame Samples The Way to the Fortress Burnt Tracks Rune Records An Underestimated Danger Dark Plans [Weekly] Thorough Preparation [Weekly] Strategic Occupation [Weekly] Ruins of the Rune [Weekly] Old Hero [Weekly] Anoha's Release [Weekly] Time of Revenge [Weekly] Preparations [Weekly] Eliminate the Troublemakers [Weekly] Preparations for Battle Support from Sanctum 1 Support from Sanctum 2 Support from Sanctum 3 Support from Sanctum 4 Support from Sanctum 5 [League] Annihilation of the Guardian General of Siel's Western Fortress [Daily] Purge of the Left Wing Chamber [Urgent Orders] Annihilation of the Protector of Siel's Western Fortress [Urgent Order] Mission to recapture Siel's Western Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Guardian General of Siel's Eastern Fortress