[League] Annihilation of the Sentinel Troop of the Kysis Fortress [League] Annihilation of the High-Ranking Reconnaissance Troop of the Kysis Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Gate to the Kysis Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Protector of the Anoha Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Commander of the Anoha Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Gate to the Anoha Fortress [League] Destruction of the Divine Fortress Protectorate [League] Destruction of the Divine Fortress Commander [League] Destruction of the Outer Gate of the Divine Fortress [League] Annihilation of the Guardian General of the Divine Fortress Elimination of the Ever-Increasing Ice [Instance/Alliance] Find the missing Daevas Undelivered Letter Harogen's Journal Ownerless Balaur Weapon Sobbing Daeva's Soul [Urgent Orders] Trouble [Urgent Orders] Attack on Narakkalli [Instance] Assist the mission in the Neviwind Canyon. [Instance] Critical mission to obtain Core Fragments [Instance] Rumours about the Black Market Trader [Instance/League] Stop the Mutated Ancient Creature [Instance/League] The patrol leader leading the battlefield [Instance/from 24 players] The Fragment in the Refuge [Instance/from 37 players] The Fragment that appeared at the Anvil [Instance/from 73 players] The Fragment that appeared in the Cave [Daily] Search for the Artefact Core Fragment [Instance] Assist the mission in the Neviwind Canyon. [Instance] Critical mission to obtain Core Fragments [Instance] Rumours about the Black Market Trader [Instance/League] Stop the Mutated Ancient Creature [Instance/League] The patrol leader leading the battlefield [Instance/from 24 players] The Fragment in the Refuge [Instance/from 37 players] The Fragment that appeared at the Anvil [Instance/from 73 players] The Fragment that appeared in the Cave [Daily] Search for the Artefact Core Fragment [Instance/Group] Prometun's Lost Workshop [Instance/Group] Use of Rim Ore [Instance/Group] Blacksmith's Sketch [Weekly/Instance/Group] Recapturing Prometun's Workshop [League] Attack on the Divine Fortress Brigade General Suthran's Orders Getting rid of floating objects in the Altgard Fortress MuMu Farmland Inspector Tougher measures The Conspiracy of the Black Claw Tribe Reveal the Intrigue of the Mau Impending Danger Brigade General Aegir's Orders Ceremony of the Salt Flats Shadow of the Ice Claw Tribe To the Fire Temple Improving the relationship with Hreidmar The Crisis of Morheim Thwarting the Morheim Invasion Fateful duel Prevent the Beritra Army's attack The Incantation of Governor Votan Abyss Training Rescue Mission Advance on Balaurea Prophecy of Ancient Times Test flight The Incantation of the Tribunal Brigade General Nerita's Orders Investigate the father's disappearance Icy Kurngalfberg Hoarfrost and Red Mane The Crisis of Beluslan Advance to Balaurea Save Taloc! New movements of the Dragonbound A suspicious device The Relic Protector's Test The Conspiracy of Tiamaranta Secret of the Heart Traces of the past An unfinished task For a new future Guardian of the Ice Lake The Lepharists' Search Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries Tiamat's Sword Unquiet Spirit Supply Delivery for Impetusium The Elim Elder [Instance/Group] A Mysterious Chalice Pagimkin's Report Rescuing Isidantis Collapsing Fortress Attack of the Undead Ghost Pirates Ice Petrahulks Infiltrating the Alquimia Research Center Gwendolin's Ghost Meet Surt The Legend of the Red Sky Legion Infiltration Routes New Discoveries Antriksha's Ascension Reward for Antriksha's Downfall Pangaea Fortress Battle Hunting the Grave Robbers Back to the Owner Securing the Merchandise Chieftain of the MuMu [Weekly] Purge the Sprigg [Instance] A Meeting in the Ice Fortress [Instance/Group] Rescue Mission in the Fire Temple [Instance] Attack on Draupnir Cave [Instance/Group] Weakening the Bakarma Legion [Instance/Daily/Group] Bakarma's Blood [Instance] Call of the Prophet [Instance] The Dark Place [Instance/] The Secret Artefact [Instance/Group] Mysterious Being [Unused] A being from another dimension [Instance/Group] Spying Out Draupnir Cave [Instance/Group] Kromede's End [Instance/Group] The Spirit of the Fire Temple New Acquaintances Red Pearls Troublemakers from the Sea Ruins Troublemakers Modification Master Algae Research Aquan Weapons Homesickness Experiments with Malodor Seeds Undead Drakan The Spirit Thirst for Vengeance Appetite for Meat Offering for the King The Kings' Treasure Treasure of the Sea Giants The Infiltration Route Secretive Request The Frost Crystal Cardiac Arrest Glowing Rock Petrified Coral Desert Outlaw An Eerie Place The Stolen Id Downfall of the Chieftain Distro's End The Burning Heart The End of a Queen