[Kinah] Shadowfall I (damaged) [Kinah] Transformation: Slayer Form I (damaged) [Kinah] Transformation: Slayer Form I (damaged) [Kinah] Yustiel's Splendour II (damaged) [Kinah] Marchutan's Splendour II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Ripple of Purification III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Noble Energy III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Noble Energy III (damaged) [Kinah] Stability III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Splendour of Rebirth V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Shatter Memory V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Chain of Suffering V (damaged) [Kinah] Earth's Wrath VI (damaged) [Kinah] Splendour of Recovery IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Healing Servant III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Healing Servant III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Enfeebling Burst III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Call Lightning II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Ripple of Purification IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Noble Energy IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Noble Energy IV (damaged) [Kinah] Sympathetic Heal III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Splendour of Rebirth VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Shatter Memory VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Chain of Suffering VI (damaged) [Kinah] Punishing Earth II (damaged) [Kinah] Saving Grace I (damaged) [Kinah] Sacrificial Power I (damaged) [Kinah] Divine Curtain II (damaged) [Kinah] Curtain of Aether II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Mountain Crash III (damaged) [Kinah] Recovery Spell III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Stamina Restoration V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Blessing of Wind V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Magic Recovery V (damaged) [Kinah] Word of Life V (damaged) [Kinah] Safer Ward VII (damaged) [Kinah] Splash Swing IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Disorientating Blow III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Healing Burst III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Numbing Blow II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Elemental Screen II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Mountain Crash IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Stamina Restoration VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Blessing of Wind VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Magic Recovery VI (damaged) [Kinah] Soul Crush III (damaged) [Kinah] Hit Mantra II (damaged) [Kinah] Rise I (damaged) [Kinah] Annihilation I/Burst I (damaged) [Kinah] Big Magma Eruption II (damaged) [Kinah] Lava Tempest II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Flame Spray III (damaged) [Kinah] Ice Harpoon III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Illusion Storm V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Rock V (damaged) [Kinah] Fire Burst IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Arcane Thunderbolt III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Winter Armour II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Glacial Shard II (damaged) [Abyss Points] Flame Spray IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Illusion Storm VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Rock VI (damaged) [Kinah] Absolute Zero I (damaged) [Kinah] Cyclone Strike I (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Pain III (damaged) [Kinah] Cyclone of Wrath III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Magic Implosion V (damaged) [Kinah] Weaken Spirit V (damaged) [Kinah] Transference III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Blight II (damaged) [Kinah] Absorb Vitality VIII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Pain IV (damaged) [Kinah] Ignite Aether VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Magic Implosion VI (damaged) [Kinah] Withering Gloom II (damaged) [Kinah] Soul Torrent I (damaged) [Kinah] Sympathetic Mind I (damaged) [Abyss Points] Precision Cut VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Severe Precision Cut V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Sure Strike III (damaged) [Kinah] Leg Fetters I (damaged) [Kinah] Induce Deep Sleep I (damaged) [Kinah] Elimination Strike I (damaged) [Kinah] Seal Arrow I (damaged) [Kinah] Fleeing Posture I (damaged) [Kinah] Ambush Raid I (damaged) [Abyss Points] Explosive Burst IV (damaged) [Kinah] Lightning Bolt of Retaliation I (damaged) [Kinah] Deadly Blow I (damaged) [Kinah] Spirit Protection I (damaged) [Kinah] Instant Sprint I (damaged) [Kinah] Earth Protection I (damaged) [Kinah] Sprint Skill I (damaged) [Kinah] Magic Defence I (damaged) [Kinah] Hand of Restoration I (damaged) [Kinah] Lockdown VI (damaged) [Kinah] Dauntless Spirit VI (damaged) [Kinah] Crippling Cut VIII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Spite Strike VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Tendon Slice IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Tendon Slice V (damaged) [Kinah] Vengeful Strike VII (damaged) [Kinah] Piercing Rupture III (damaged) [Kinah] Siegebreaker V (damaged) [Kinah] Weakening Blow VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Sharp Strike VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Sure Strike IV (damaged) [Kinah] Earthquake Wave IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Severe Precision Cut VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Whirling Strike IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Whirling Strike V (damaged) [Kinah] Draining Blow IV (damaged) [Kinah] Fury Absorption V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Draining Sword III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Draining Sword IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Arcane Thunderbolt IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Arcane Thunderbolt V (damaged) [Kinah] Wind Cut Down VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Winter Armour III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Winter Armour IV (damaged) [Kinah] Ice Sheet V (damaged) [Kinah] Ice Sheet V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Glacial Shard III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Glacial Shard IV (damaged) [Kinah] Curse of Weakness IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Rock VII (damaged) [Kinah] Lava Tempest III (damaged) [Kinah] Big Magma Eruption III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Flame Spray V (damaged) [Abyss Points] Flame Spray VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Illusion Storm VII (damaged) [Kinah] Blessing of Fire VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Blight III (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Pain V (damaged) [Kinah] Cyclone of Wrath IV (damaged) [Abyss Points] Magic Implosion VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant VII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Summon Cyclone Servant VII (damaged) [Kinah] Weaken Spirit VI (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Blight IV (damaged) [Kinah] Absorb Vitality IX (damaged) [Abyss Points] Infernal Pain VI (damaged) [Kinah] Arrow Deluge VIII (damaged) [Abyss Points] Agonising Arrow III (damaged)