ID: 80261
[Event] Exquisite Birthday Banquet
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 50
Elyos Only

Use the ingredients Sui gave you at the Daeva's Day Banquet Table. Talk with Sui. Cook something with the ingredients the chef gave you.
The Daeva's Day chef, Sui, asked you for help after complaining that too many people were coming to the banquet and eating. You took some of his raw ingredients and prepared food at the Daeva's Day Banquet Table.

Sui was grateful for your help, and rewarded you well.

Full quest's text:
By the light! I knew this birthday celebration would be popular, but I didn't think it would be this popular! I don't have enough food!

Player: "What's going on?"

You mean you don't know? I'm shocked that any Daeva could be so ill-informed.

I was hand-picked to coordinate this special Daeva's Day celebration. I am both the chief planner, and the chef! I have personally prepared the banquet behind me for Daevas like yourself.

Not only that, but the banquet itself is imbued with a special magical spell that will abundantly bless every Daeva in its vicinity.

Player: "Do you need any help?"

Oh, yes. Yes, that would be quite nice. I'm having trouble keeping up with all the demand.

We keep running out of food, with all the Daevas coming to enjoy the banquet. They all seem to especially enjoy the cupcakes.

Actually, do you think if I gave you some ingredients, you could help make a few of the more popular items?

Player: Accept.

Wonderful! Thank you so much!

Just stand near the Daeva's Day Banquet Table here, and use these ingredients. Easy, isn't it?

I really appreciate the help.

Player: "You're welcome."

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Did you use the ingredients I gave you while standing over the Daeva's Day Banquet Table?

This isn't... poisonous... but it's not quite what I was looking for.

Player: "Maybe I can try again?"

Here! I have something else for you.

You were so fast and so helpful, that I can't let you leave with such a small reward. Hard work is its own reward, they say. Folly, says I!

Basic Reward
- [Event] Empyrean Lord Crystal
- [Title Card] Lightspeed Daeva – 1-day pass
Additional info
Quest giverNebrith
Recommended level50
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysEvery Day
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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