ID: 19041
The Delivery
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Level: 45
Elyos Only

Deliver Miriya's message to Kuruminerk. Ask the Black Cloud Traders Envoy Leader Kuruminerk when Miriya's order will arrive.
Miriya asked you to see what happened to her order, saying the Black Cloud were late with their delivery.

You paid Kuruminerk a visit, who then apologized and told you that the ship with Miriya's order was stuck in an Aether Storm.

Full quest's text:
Oh! Where could it be!

That Black Cloud man...thing...promised me the package would be here by now! Promised!

Player: "You trusted a Black Cloud Trader?"

Yes, of course!

Their empire is built on the foundations of reputation, Player. They may be Shugo by nature, but they know full well that if they were to start stealing the shipments they were entrusted with, their business would collapse within weeks.

Perhaps you could ask for me? Kuruminerk was his name. I'm expecting to receive a Compressed Drana Crystal!

Player: Accept.

Yes! Thank you!

Pay Kuruminerk a visit and find out what's happened to my shipment, will you? He seems like a trustworthy Shugo, and I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation for the delay.

Faith and arms!

Player: "Faith and arms."

Yes Daeva?

What can Black Cloud Traders do for you?

Player: "Miriya's missing her package."

Yes! Miriya! That was her name!

Meant to send her a message. Package on ship held up by Aether Storm, Daeva. Lots of packages held up. Very sad, but not much Black Cloud can do...nyerk nyerk....

Basic Reward
icon 738 671 XP
- Groggie
Additional info
Quest giverOrphe Helper
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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