ID: 27505
[Instance/Group] Support Operation for the Ophidan Warpath
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Ophidan Warpath
Level: 66
Asmodian Only

Talk with Togoring. Volunteer for the Ophidan Warpath mission.[%5] Go to Ophidan Warpath and use Shugo Transformation Potion.[%8] Talk with Ganger. Search for Beritra Power Generator. [%14] Talk with Baupra. Severus is looking for Daevas who will participate for the Ophidan Warpath. Volunteer for the mission.
Baupra told you about the mission to retrieve the Mechanical Weapon Test Parts from the Ophidan Warpath.

The Mechanical Weapon Test Parts were sealed through Shugo technology and to retrieve them, you agreed to receive Shugo abilities.

You met with a Shugo from the Shugo Grave Robbers and drank the special Shugo transformation potion she gave you at the Ophidan Bridge. Then you used the Beritra Power Generator to get the power of the Shugos.

You helped at the Ophidan Warpath and met with Ganger. After you found the Beritra Power Generator, you reported back to Baupra.

Full quest's text:
We’ve obtained information that illegal trade between the Shulacks and Beritra is happening on the Ophidan Warpath.

When we looked into it, we discovered that the Shulacks found the Weapon Parts that were hidden on the Ophidan Warpath and that they are selling them to the Beritra Army.

Togoring right next here to me is part of the Shugo Grave Robbers and is said to be rather famous.

Player: Accept.

Daeva going to bring Weapon Parts, nyerk?

When Beritra Army installed Bombards on Ophidan Bridge long time ago, hired Shugo engineers for technical assistance, which engineers provided in return for Kinah, nyerk.

Weapon Parts that Daevas are after most likely locked with Shugo technology too, nyerk.

Shugo don’t know how Shulacks use our technology, but items only be retrieved with Shugo technology, nyerk.

Player: "That's the only way?"

No. Shugo technology goes far beyond imagination. Nothing impossible, nyerk. Take this Shugo Transformation Potion, nyerk. Drink it, Shugo electrolytes enter body and activate, receiving an energy shock, nyerk. No side effects... maybe side effects, akakak.

Use Shugo abilities when potion’s effect activated, but only for a brief time, nyerk. But still great feat and only possible with superior Shugo technology, nyerk nyerk.

Fortunately, there is Beritra Power Generator at Ophidan Warpath. If fully charged, you can use to activate potion’s effect, nyerk.

Body absorbs potion best in cold environment. Drink when Daeva arrives at Ophidan Warpath, nyerk.

Player: "Right, I understand."

Did you see the Shugo?

If you’ve drank the Shugo potion, your next mission is to use a Beritra Army Power Generator.

You have to hurry and find an operable Beritra Power Generator.

Player: "It will be done."

But you should also know that the Elyos are there as well.

You need to find an operable Beritra Power Generator before they do.

Activating the power generator will give you the Shugo ability, so use it to retrieve the Mechanical Weapon Test Parts.

Once you’ve completed your mission, report the results to Baupra.

Player: "Seems like a hassle, but alright."

The Shugos’s abilities can be quite bewildering at times. Either way, the Shugos will play an even bigger part in our mission on the Ophidan Warpath.

But I’m concerned that the Asmodians were also there with the same purpose as us.

Thank you for your efforts.

Basic Reward
icon 39 090 822 XP
icon x 155 160
Additional info
Quest giverBaupra
Recommended level71
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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