Call Of Lightning Summon Gust Summon Flame Mighty Charge Giant Tree's Roar Insanity Eruption Violent Snare Earth Impact Dragon's Curse Invincibility Dragon's Curse Dragon's Curse Frosty Fire Summon Storm Impact Capture Brandish Raging Scream Raging Scream Energy Toll Energy Toll Energy Toll Curtain of Reflection Summon Ice Quartz Statue Crystal Reflection Crystal Explosion Absolute Zero Return Necrosis Curtain of Reflection Strong Magic Blow Retrieve Lifeform Deny Approach Rigid Muscle Drana Drop Brain Wave Shock Self Explosion Root Entangle Vaporise Grudge Explosion Experiment Aftereffect Hit Vital Spot Clash Mash Drana Break Sleeping Dragon Dance Tog Howl Pirate's Strike Pirate's Wrath Pirate's Tattoo Pirate's Twister Tattoo Call Shadow Sleeping Dragon Kick Luscious Stare Black Twister Arrow Deluge Bombing Take Initiative Indiscriminate Bombardment Explosion Bulletproof Armour Copper Mirror Amethyst Mirror Bronze Mirror Marabata Barrier Captain's Might Adhati's Flame Aggravate Wound Explosion Quench Thirst Vaporize Blessing of Hermione Blessing of Pernos Pearl of Protection Spirit Sword Power of Transcendence Blessing of Munin Pearl of Purification Amulet of Insight Power of Spirit Blade Protective Wave Fire Tentacle Pierce Collision Claw Pierce Glue Incandescence Area Dispel Blessing Explosion Vengeful Spirit's Scream Summon Flame Crippling Wave Explosion Powerful Smash Holy Servant Healing Energy Energy of Silence Energy of Chaos Wrath Blast Shooting Star Storm Radiate Dauntless Spirit Wide Smash AI Counter-attack Rage Rage Self Destruct Earth Smash Reverberate Collapse Haorunerk's Protection Cruel Smash Blade of Lunacy Raging Wind Blade Silver Mirror Manic Rage Binding Web Coiling Web Toxic Gas Exsanguinate Kingspin's Venom Powerful Brandish Distant Wind Threshing Wind Midnight Wind Savage Teeth Dragon's Quake Voltaic Storm Lightning Shock Restraining Gust Blade Cyclone Concealment Signet Blitz Odious Strike Signet Blast Blinding Mist Evasive Dodge Cruel Strike Remove Slayer's Restraint Strong Shock Tolerance Strong Magic Tolerance Earthquake Wave Rockfall Stone Curse Wave of Fear Invoke Energy Temblor Shock Tolerance Iron Maiden