The Aetheric Field Onslaught on Inggison [Spy/Daily] The Gelkmaros Infiltration [Daily] Destruction of the Intruders [Urgent Orders] Tillen's Information about the Asmodian Infiltration [Urgent Orders] Plinius' Storming of the Corridor [Urgent Orders] Pucio's Surprise Attack on Gelkmaros [Group] Raiders in the Canyon [Alliance] Fortress Occupied by the Dragonbound [Union] The Aggressive Mutant and his Protector [Weekly] Defend the 101st Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 101st Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 102nd Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 102nd Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 103rd Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 103rd Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 104th Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 104th Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 105th Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 105th Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 106th Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 106th Garrison [Weekly] Defend the 107th Garrison [Weekly] Protect the 107th Garrison [Urgent Orders] Verion's Request [Urgent Orders] Rausia's Request [Urgent Orders] Yustar's Request [Urgent Orders] Mearia's Request [Urgent Orders] Ranae's Request [Urgent Orders] Diostar's Request [Urgent Orders] Daria's Request [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 201st Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 201st Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 202nd Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 202nd Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 203rd Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 203rd Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 204th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 204th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 205th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 205th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 206th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 206th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Balaur Vanguard of the 207th Garrison [Weekly] Destruction of the Asmodian Search Party of the 207th Garrison [Urgent Orders] Laitor's Request [Urgent Orders] Reino's Request [Urgent Orders] Marsion's Request [Urgent Orders] Madeon's Request [Urgent Orders] Menotius' Request [Urgent Orders] Ludeya's Request [Urgent Orders] Medusia's Request [Instance/Alliance] Dramata Threat [Instance/Daily/Alliance] Pilotis' Request [Instance/Daily/Alliance] Padmarashka's Destiny Many Nibbles in a Bite For What Ails You Last Part of the Cure Fruit of My Labor The Ripe Stuff When the Time is Ripe The Exterminator Wood-n't You Know It? Adias's Report The Balance The Shulack of Taloc What Book? Trapped Within The Wounds of Change [Coin] Mysterious Seed A Hard Seed to Crack [Coin] Death to the Queen With Friends Like These [Instance] Taloc's Solitaire [Instance/Daily] Trione's Request Moskie Repellant Fungie Fear Malodor Munchies Edible Research The Case of the Deadly Mushrooms Let Go Merchant Needs Food, Badly Ruffled Feathers Parliamentary Love Betrothed Business Surprising Solutions [Group] Lovers Lost Things Past Causing Chaos Depth Charges [Weekly/Group] The Crystal Ballroom [Weekly/Group] Solomon's Plates Atreia's Savior Iconoclast-tastic Lucachinerk's Token Trade Kururinerk's Token Trade [Service] Hero's Discus The Shining Spear Field Repairs [Service/Weekly/Alliance] Power Proof [Service/Daily/Group] Be Quiet! Stigma Master's Challenge Ten to One Odds The Siege is On Prove your battle skills Friends in Deed I Want My Frillneck Back Ribs Undermining the Cavalry And See The World Can't Fly On Hungry Wings [Daily] Pride and Prejudice [Service/Daily] Banishing the Shade-Touched [Service/Group] Subjugation of the Naduka Legion Burst Bubbles Bunches of Fun The Betrayers Mane Income [Service] Weakening the Naduka Legion Business is Booming... er, Burning This Little Light of Mine Trollpindemnity Phavilian's Pride One-Upping the Asmodian Adversary Uncanny Undead [Group] No Exit Clearing the Garrison [Daily] Klaw Workers, What Irkers [Service/Daily/Group] Flavia's Proof Bad, Bad Marconnut Glitter and Dust [Daily] Such Thrilling Treachery [Service] Faith and Protectorate Arms [Weekly] Not Vengeance, Just Tactics [Service/Daily] A Masquerade of Peace [Service/Group] Cutting off the Master-at-arms DRAKINT: Crystal Map A Path Uncertain De-Orb It [Daily] Cannon Aid [Service/Weekly/Group] Protectorate Insignia [Group] Eye Spy, Time to Die [Service] Defeat scouts [Service] Puncture the Protectorate [Daily] A Vital Assignment [Daily] Divided Attentions [Service/Fight] Supporting the Siege [Service/Daily] A Stronger Enmity Scout's Dishonour Tulin's in Trouble