[Event/Daily] Zikara's Request [Event] Dealing with the Vicious Energy [Event] Purging the Vicious Energy [Event] Destruction of the Vicious Energy [Event/Daily] Decisive Battle in the Moonlight [Event/Daily] Daru Protector's Dance [Event/Daily] Decisive Battle in the Moonlight [Event/Daily] Daru Protector's Dance [Event/Daily] Elimination of the Redeye Hare Legion [Urgent Orders] Grimron's Orders [Daily/Union] Battle against Governor Sunayaka Keymaster of the Balaur Treasure Into Tiamaranta's Eye [Daily] Defeat Drakan Protectorate [Urgent Orders] Grimron's Request [Daily/Union] Troop Commander in Tiamaranta's Eye. Protector of the Balaur Treasure Infiltration: Tiamaranta's Eye [Daily] Battle against the Tiamat Protectorate [Event] Big White Snowball [Event] Magnificent White Snowball [Event] Legendary White Snowball [Event] Big White Snowball [Event] Magnificent White Snowball [Event] Legendary White Snowball [Event] Decisive Battle in Lakrum [Event] Attack on the Legates of the Lakrum Garrisons [Event] Destruction of the Pesky Shugolings [Event] Hunger! [Event/Daily] Go Hunt! [Event/Daily] Head out to the Instance! [Event/Daily] Help! [Event] Eliminating Angry Kromede [Event] Elimination of Bawling Lanzenerk [Event] Eliminating Renegade Artunerk [Event] Eliminating Miffed Merlinerk [Event] Katoshunerk’s Leadership (Level 1) [Event] Katoshunerk’s Leadership (Level 2) [Event] Katoshunerk’s Leadership (Level 3) [Event] Katoshunerk’s Leadership (Level 4) [Event] Katoshunerk’s Leadership (Level 5) [Event] Daeva Challenge [Event/Daily] Investigation into the Secret Hellpath [Event] Removal of Woodush's Vicious Energy [Event/Daily] Grinning Cheek Eilinerk's Reward [Event/Daily] Grinning Cheek Flinkinerk's Reward [Event/Daily] Grinning Cheek Dankinerk's Assignment [Event/Weekly] Grinning Cheek Dankinerk's Request [Event/Weekly] Let's go to the Internet Café! [Event] Malarkin's Treasure Lists [Event] The Painter's Path [Event] The Art of Treasure Hunting [Event] How to Win Resource Battles in Dumaha [Event/Daily] Securing Resources [Event] Sign up to Bloomstagram [Event] Master Photographer [Event] Clean as a Whistle [Event] Stigma Enchantment Research [Event] In Service to Science [Event/Weekly/League] An Uninvited Spirit [Event] Search for the Crazy Little Ghost [Event/League] Drive Out the Pesky Spirit I [Event/League] Drive Out the Pesky Spirit II [Event/League] Drive Out the Pesky Spirit III [Weekly] Liberation of the Cursed Elyos Souls [Weekly] Destruction of the Shulacks in Rokoros [Weekly] Destruction of the Drakan in Hanarkand [Weekly] Recruitment Office Provocateurs [Weekly/Gathering] Flowered Drana in Balaurea [Weekly/Crafting] Crafting Special Sealing Wax [Weekly] Destruction of the Seirens in Alukina's Palace [Weekly] Destruction of Ulagu's Strigik [Weekly] Destruction of the Drakan in Mitrakand [Weekly] Recruitment Office Troublemakers [Weekly/Gathering] Budding Drana in Balaurea [Weekly/Crafting] Crafting Special Sealing Wax [Event] Soulinerk Altruist [Event] Soulinerk Jitterbug [Event/Daily] Scared of the Prairie Rega [Event/Daily] Scared of the Rocky Desert Outlaws [Event/Daily] Scared of the Rocky Desert Snuwa [Event/Daily] Scared of the Magma Chamber Rega [Event/Daily] Revenge on Elyos [Event/Daily] Finish off the Asmodians [Event] Secret Soulinerk Suggestion Pernos' Call A New Age The Strength to Become a Guardian The Attitude to Become a Guardian Special Mission Elim in Danger Forest Rescue Pursuit of the Odium Transport Track Haramel's Secret Daeva Certification The Ongoing Search for Odium Kaisinel's Mission Heiron's Warehouse Sleepless Undead Suspicious Changarnerk Trader Investigating the Kishar Krall Crazy Krall Deciphering the Kunpapa Document Hidden Fortress The Place Where the Odium was Used Where is the Odium? Inggison Area The Meaning of the Obelisks In Taloc's Forest Drana, the Energy Source of the Balaur A Method for Removing Drana The Secret of the Underground Temple A Hard Test The Best Decision [Instance] Taloc, a Mysterious Elim Report on the Undirborg Enterprise Kaisinel's Call Signia Associated with Lakrum Tiamat, Balaur Mistress of Betrayal Memory of the Hideout Beritra, Balaur Lord of Darkness Memory of the Forbidden Refuge The Ceaseless Fight Against the Balaur The Legion of the 3rd Dragon Lord Ereshkigal The Lord's Army Commander Who Is That? The Dwindling Elyos Influence The Repair of the Temple of Lakrum The Vanished Researcher Atis On the Trail of the Vanished Legionaries Stopping Balaur supplies Assist with Recapturing the Great Temple of Lakrum Lakrum's Warehouse A New Connection A Strange Encounter A Strange Girl Called Inanna Evidence Intervention Uncovering the Truth Beninerk, a Special Friend Inanna's Determination [Progress/Reward] Tezabobo's First Gift [Progress/Reward] Tezabobo's Second Gift [Progress/Reward] Tezabobo's Third Gift [Progress/Reward] Tezabobo's Fourth Gift [Progress/Reward] Tezabobo's Final Gift [Progress/Reward] Leanor's First Gift [Progress/Reward] Leanor's Second Gift [Progress/Reward] Leanor's Final Gift