Asmodian Prisoner Asmodian Prisoner Krall Elite Prison Guard Petrahulk Sentinel Pet Manduri Flame Wing Griffon Bronze Teeth Mosbear Silk Hair Arachna Special Delivery Special Delivery Warden Tantaka Kedomke the Drinker Timid Alakin Flamewing Griffon Bronzetooth Mosbear Sobi Arachna Sweeper Nunukin Bhagwaninerk Collector Memekin Discerner Werikiki Technician Binukin Largimark the Smoker Hook the One-Armed Chief Mate Menekiki Chief Gunner Koakoa Whistler Gududom Firelord Kadomch Freed Genie Special Delivery Special Delivery Special Delivery Special Delivery Madame Bovariki Golden Eye Mantutu Engineer Lahulahu Brass-Eye Grogget Technician Sarpa Navigator Nevikah Assistant Malakun Adjutant Kundhan First Mate Aznaya Sentinel Garkusa Prison Guard Mahnena Air Captain Girana Vice Air Captain Kai Vice Gun Captain Zha Gun Captain Ankrana Adjutant Kalanadi 38th Draconute Superior Legionary 38th Draconute Superior Trooper 38th Draconute Superior Lookout 38th Draconute Superior Bloodbinder 38th Draconute Superior Juggernaut 38th Draconute Superior Skull Crusher 38th Draconute Superior Ranged Fighter 38th Draconute Superior Hospitaller 38th Draconute Superior Master-at-Arms 38th Draconute Superior Troop Commander 38th Draconute Superior Patrol Captain 38th Draconute Superior Healer Legate 38th Nagarant Superior Tormentor 38th Nagarant Superior Warrior 38th Naga Superior Sorcerer 38th Naga Superior Healer 38th Nagarant Superior Slayer 38th Nagarant Superior Marauder 38th Naga Superior Destruction Mage 38th Naga Superior Justicar 38th Nagarant Superior Guardsman 38th Nagarant Superior Argus 38th Naga Superior Cryptomancer 38th Naga Superior Senior Healer 38th Drakan Superior Praetor Master 38th Drakan Superior Blade Officer 38th Drakan Superior Senior Mage 38th Drakan Superior Healing Officer 38th Drakan Superior Apone 38th Drakan Superior Blade Master 38th Drakan Superior Arcanist 38th Drakan Superior Curate 38th Drakan Superior Commander 38th Drakan Superior Blade Commander 38th Drakan Superior Staff Captain 38th Drakan Superior Healer Treasurer Wasukani Treasurer Baruna Treasurer Matazawa Treasurer Hittite Ebonlord Arknamium Weakened Lord of the 1st Treasure Chamber Awakened Lord of the 1st Treasure Chamber 38th Draconute Superior Assaulter 38th Draconute Superior Trapper 38th Draconute Superior Guard 38th Draconute Superior Geomancer 38th Draconute Superior Bloodclaw 38th Draconute Superior Shadow Fighter 38th Draconute Superior Senior Guardian 38th Draconute Superior Battle Geomancer 38th Draconute Superior Battle Commander 38th Draconute Superior Ambuser 38th Draconute Superior Guard Captain 38th Draconute Superior Healer Commander 38th Nagarant Superior Arms Warrior 38th Nagarant Superior Dragoon 38th Naga Superior Mage 38th Naga Superior Priest 38th Nagarant Superior Deathfighter 38th Nagarant Superior Darkblade 38th Naga Superior War Mage 38th Naga Superior Combat Priest 38th Nagarant Superior Protector 38th Nagarant Superior Deathmaster 38th Naga Superior High Mage 38th Naga Superior Medicine Man 38th Drakan Superior Battle Overseer 38th Drakan Superior Scout Leader 38th Drakan Superior Senior Sorcerer 38th Drakan Superior Medic Officer 38th Drakan Superior Combat Master 38th Drakan Superior Scout Master 38th Drakan Superior Adjutant Boss 38th Drakan Superior Medic Master 38th Drakan Superior Captain 38th Drakan Superior Scout Commander 38th Drakan Superior Quartermaster 38th Drakan Superior Healer Legate Treasurer Darmaraja Treasurer Swaraja Treasurer Chandra Treasurer Dragagh Ebonlord Nukuam Weakened Lord of the 2nd Treasure Chamber Awakened Lord of the 2nd Treasure Chamber 38th Draconute Superior Fighter 38th Draconute Superior Spy 38th Draconute Superior Sniper 38th Draconute Superior Medic 38th Draconute Superior Dark Fighter 38th Draconute Superior Dark Spy 38th Draconute Superior Dark Gunner 38th Draconute Superior Dark Medic 38th Draconute Superior Captain 38th Draconute Superior Battle Leader 38th Draconute Superior Gunner Commander 38th Draconute Superior Medic Captain 38th Nagarant Superior Punisher 38th Nagarant Superior Swashbuckler 38th Naga Superior Shaman