Steel Wall Protector's Plate Sabatons Brave Steel Wall Protector's Plate Sabatons Plate Sabatons of Heroic Strife Plate Sabatons of Fierce Strife Plate Sabatons of Heroic Fighting Spirit Plate Sabatons of Powerful Fighting Spirit Plate Sabatons of Fighting Spirit Normal Abyss NPC-4.5-Plate Sabatons NPC-4.5-Defensive Instance Plate Sabatons NPC-Elyos-Plate Sabatons (Eternal) NPC-Asmodian-Plate Sabatons (Eternal) Last Hero's Elyos Gladiator Shoes Last Hero's Asmodian Gladiator Shoes Holy Plate Sabatons of the Guardian Elite Unit Holy Plate Sabatons of the Archon Elite Unit Holy Sabatons of the Guardian Special Unit Holy Sabatons of the Archon Special Unit Test Item for Might Enhancement Dynatum Plate Sabatons Unique Dynatum Plate Sabatons Dynatum Battle Sabatons Unique Dynatum Battle Sabatons NPC Steel Wall Bastion Cutscene Plate Sabatons NPC Steel Wall Bastion Cutscene Asmodian Plate Sabatons NPC Elyos Plate Sabatons for Gladiators in the occupied zone NPC Asmodian Plate Sabatons for Gladiators in the occupied zone NPC Elyos Plate Sabatons for Templars in the occupied zone NPC Asmodian Plate Sabatons for Templars in the occupied zone NPC Gladiator Plate Sabatons of the Elyos Guardian Veteran NPC Gladiator Plate Sabatons of the Asmodian Guardian Veteran NPC Templar Plate Sabatons of the Elyos Guardian Veteran NPC Templar Plate Sabatons of the Asmodian Guardian Veteran Guardian's Holy Sabatons Archon's Holy Sabatons Guardian's Holy Sabatons Archon's Holy Sabatons Guardian Special Ops Commander's Holy Sabatons Archon Special Ops Commander's Holy Sabatons Guardian Task Force Commander's Holy Sabatons Archon Task Force Commander's Holy Sabatons World Event NPC Plate Sabatons Runatorium Plate Sabatons for NPC Reinforcement System Test Item NPC Plate Sabatons from Antriksha's Ascension Frost Plate Sabatons for NPC Flame Plate Sabatons for NPC Durable NPC Plate Sabatons for PvP Durable Rune Shield Tower NPC Plate Sabatons Durable Runadium NPC Plate Sabatons Durable Katalamize NPC Plate Sabatons Durable NPC Plate Sabatons for PvE Kunax the Slayer's Plate Sabatons Kunax's Plate Sabatons Glowing Daevanion Plate Sabatons Glowing Daevanion Plate Sabatons NPC Plate Sabatons of the Elyos Corridor Teleporter 01 NPC Plate Sabatons of the Asmodian Corridor Teleporter 01 NPC Plate Sabatons of the Elyos Corridor Teleporter 02 NPC Plate Sabatons of the Asmodian Corridor Teleporter 02 Red NPC Plate Sabatons for Pangaea Guard Yellow NPC Plate Sabatons for Pangaea Guard Green NPC Plate Sabatons for Pangaea Guard Blue NPC Plate Sabatons for Pangaea Guard Crimson NPC Plate Sabatons for Pangaea Guard Awakening Antriksha's Sabatons Mad Grendal's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Templar) Mad Grendal's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Gladiator) Angry Hyperion's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Templar) Enraged Hyperion's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Templar) Angry Hyperion's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Gladiator) Enraged Hyperion's Enhanced Plate Sabatons (Gladiator) Enhanced Dynatum Plate Sabatons Enhanced Dynatum Battle Sabatons Mighty Sabatons from Beritra Supplies Superb Sabatons from Beritra Supplies Boldon's Sabatons Karnak's Sabatons Jormungand's Special Greater Noble Sabatons Jormungand's Special Greater Noble Plate Shoes Legendary Master's Noble Catalium Sabatons Legendary Master's Noble Catalium Plate Shoes Jormungand's Special Greater Sabatons Jormungand's Special Greater Plate Shoes Legendary Master's Catalium Sabatons Legendary Master's Catalium Plate Shoes Tapium's Sabatons Gustapo's Sabatons Simple Sabatons from Beritra Supplies Fine Sabatons from Beritra Supplies Sabatons of Victory Heroic Guardian Commander's Holy Sabatons Heroic Archon Commander's Holy Sabatons Heroic Guardian Executor's Holy Sabatons Heroic Archon Executor's Holy Sabatons Elite Guardian Governor's Sabatons Elite Archon Governor's Sabatons Elite Guardian General Executor's Sabatons Elite Archon General Executor's Sabatons Sabatons of the Great Invasion Old Shugo's Noble Plate Sabatons Old Shugo's Noble Battle Sabatons NPC Shoes for Elyos Templar in Pangaea Cutscene 01 NPC Shoes for Elyos Templar in Pangaea Cutscene 02 NPC Shoes for Elyos Leader in Kaldor 01 NPC Shoes for Elyos Captain in Kaldor 01 NPC Shoes for Elyos Captain in Kaldor 02 NPC Shoes for Asmodian Leader in Kaldor 01 NPC Shoes for Asmodian Captain in Kaldor 01 NPC Shoes for Asmodian Captain in Kaldor 02 NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos Leader in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodian Leader in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos Tribunus in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodian Tribunus in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos Centurion in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodian Centurion in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos Toska in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodian Askaria in Akaron 01 NPC Plate Sabatons for Captain of the Elyos Patrol in Kaldor NPC Plate Sabatons for Leader of the Asmodian Cleanup Squad in Kaldor NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos Guardian Veteran in Kaldor NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodian Guardian Veteran in Kaldor Enhanced NPC Plate Sabatons of the Abyss Agent's Sabatons Verteron Legionary's Sabatons Altgard Legionary's Sabatons Verteron Legionary Veteran's Sabatons Altgard Legionary Veteran's Sabatons Eltnen Legionary Veteran's Sabatons Morheim Legionary Veteran's Sabatons Eltnen Special Legionary's Sabatons Morheim Special Legionary's Sabatons Eltnen Elite Legionary's Sabatons Morheim Elite Legionary's Sabatons Heiron Protector's Sabatons Beluslan Protector's Sabatons Heiron Elite Legionary's Sabatons Beluslan Elite Legionary's Sabatons Atreia Protector's Sabatons Atreia Protector's Sabatons NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos entering Pangaea NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodians entering Pangaea NPC Plate Sabatons for Elyos entering Pangaea 02 NPC Plate Sabatons for Asmodians entering Pangaea 02 [Jakunerk] Veille's Sabatons [Jakunerk] Mastarius' Sabatons Guardian Master Executor's Holy Sabatons Archon Master Executor's Holy Sabatons Guardian Special Executor's Holy Sabatons Archon Special Executor's Holy Sabatons