Paruam's Iris Lagia's Bundle Paruam's Iris Zaellen's Bundle Paruam's Iris Zaellen's Bundle Paruam's Iris Zaellen's Bundle Paruam's Iris Zaellen's Bundle Desirable Headband Coupon Lovely Headband Coupon Bobble Headband Coupon Cute Headband Coupon Nifty Headband Coupon Classy Headband Coupon Sweet Cake Coupon Tasty Cake Coupon [Event] Portzebnerk's Sock [Event] Dirty Sock [Event] Rangidax's Sock [Event] Filthy Sock [Event] Squeegenerk's Wages [Event] Solorius Invitation [Event] Zubinerk's Wages [Event] Solorius Ticket Weapon Supply Certificate Provisions Supply Certificate Solo Drop Quest Item Group Drop Quest Item Force Drop Quest Item League Drop Quest Item XML Test Item Simplecollect Collect Item Item Play Test Item Dratamin Box Surkana Box Kexkra's Memory Broken Sword Hilt Surama's Infosphere Broken Blade Fragment Locked Chest Tiamat's Power Shining Tiamat's Power Drazma Heart Blessed Charm Components Charm Dratamin Box Surkana Box Kexkra's Memory Broken Sword Hilt Surama's Infosphere Broken Blade Fragment Locked Chest Broken Tiamat's Power Shining Tiamat's Power Drazma Heart Blessed Charm Components Charm Kexkra's Reconstructed Memory Kexkra's Reconstructed Memory Nepion's Image Marble Nepion's Image Marble [Event] Green Plank [Event] Yellow Plank [Event] Red Plank [Event] White Plank [Event] Green Board [Event] Yellow Board [Event] Red Board [Event] White Board [Event] Commemorative Lantern [Event] Shining Lantern [Event] Guiding Lantern [Event] Wickless Lantern [Event] Floating Ribbon [Event] Sinking Ribbon [Event] Sailing Ribbon [Event] Waterlogged Ribbon [Event] Strange Herb [Event] Mysterious Herb [Event] Tough Parchment [Event] Faded Envelope [Event] Green Ink [Event] Red Sealing Wax [Event] Faded Parchment [Event] Old Envelope [Event] Blue Ink [Event] Silver Sealing Wax [Event] Odd Herb [Event] Sticky Herb [Event] Poeta Bread [Event] Poeta Postcard [Event] Fungie Charm [Event] Lonely Globe: Elysea [Event] Ishalgen Jerky [Event] Ishalgen Postcard [Event] Ribbit Charm [Event] Lonely Globe: Asmodae [Event] Flamehide Daru Fur [Event] Icehide Daru Fur [Event] White Soul Piece [Event] Blue Soul Piece [Event] Yellow Soul Piece [Event] Red Soul Piece [Event] White Soul Essence [Event] Blue Soul Essence [Event] Yellow Soul Essence [Event] Red Soul Essence [Event] White Soul's Light [Event] Blue Soul's Light [Event] Yellow Soul's Light [Event] Red Soul's Light [Event] White Soul Fragment [Event] Blue Soul Fragment [Event] Yellow Soul Fragment [Event] Red Soul Fragment [Event] White Soul Spark [Event] Blue Soul Spark [Event] Yellow Soul Spark [Event] Red Soul Spark [Event] White Soul Crystal [Event] Blue Soul Crystal [Event] Yellow Soul Crystal [Event] Red Soul Crystal [Event] Mysterious Reian Herb [Event] Reian Rations Abyss Award Bravery Medal Supreme Tiamaranta Award Supreme Seraphim Offering Supreme Abyss Reward Supreme Balaurea Reward Supreme Tiamaranta Reward Supreme Shedim Offering Supreme Abyss Award Balaurea Award Tiamaranta Award Seraphim Offering Abyss Reward Balaurea Reward Tiamaranta Reward Shedim Offering [Event] Bloodstained Memento Box [Event] Fragments of Elyos Soul [Event] Energy of Greed [Event] Bloodstained Memento Box [Event] Fragments of Elyos Soul [Event] Energy of Greed