ID: 50047
[Event/Daily] Preparation for the Signal Flare
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 46

Get 2 [plur][Event] Aether Fuel[pl:"Fuels"] and bring them to Messnerk. PlayerMessnerk needs 2 units of Aether Fuel to turn them into Gunpowder.
Messnerk asked you to obtain Aether Fuel for crafting a Signal Flare.

When you brought him the Aether Fuel, you waited for a moment while he extracted the Gunpowder from it.

The finished Signal Flare just needs to be lit.

Full quest's text:
Shugo has so much fun at the festival that Shugo totally forgot the time.

Shugo has to light a Signal Flare so the Shugo Travelling Theatre will assemble. Does Daeva perhaps have [plur][Event] Aether Fuel[pl:"Fuels"]?

Two pieces should be enough for Shugo to make a Signal Flare that will be visible from far away!

If Daeva helps Shugo then Daeva can pick a reward out of our collection of treasures.

First Shugo has to extract Gunpowder. Shugo needs two [plur][Event] Aether Fuel[pl:"Fuels"] for this, ak.
Has Player got the [plur][Event] Aether Fuel[pl:"Fuels"] yet?

Daeva is really fast.

Give them to Shugo, ak!

If Daeva waits a moment, Shugo will extract the Gunpowder.
Shugo has extracted the Gunpowder!

Now Shugo can finish the Signal Flare, ak.

Shugo will quickly go and get the tools he needs to make the Gunpowder into a Signal Flare.

Daeva should be careful not to go in flames themselves once Shugo lights the Signal Flare.

Basic Reward
icon 1 111 XP
- Gunpowder
Additional info
Quest giverProtector Captain Ashif
Recommended level46
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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