ID: 50066
[Event] Advanced Alchemy of Growth for Master Daevas
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 999

Obtain 1 Nabaru's Greater Golden Apple[pl:"Apples"] and bring them to the Alchemist[pl:"Alchemists"] of Growth. PlayerObtain 1 Nabaru's Greater Golden Apple[pl:"Apples"] and bring them to the Alchemist[pl:"Alchemists"] of Growth.
The Alchemist of Growth told you that he could use forbidden alchemy if you brought him even more accelerators.

You brought the alchemist the materials for the Advanced Alchemy of Growth and received a whole lot of experience in exchange.

Full quest's text:
Do you need a particularly refined and advanced Alchemy of Growth, Daeva?

I'm using a new method that has only just been developed by the Association of Alchemists.

The best of all accelerators,Nabaru's Greater Golden Apple[pl:"Apples"], is used to achieve even better results in this forbidden alchemy.

I've only used this alchemy a few times, so it may not work out, but when it does, you get an incredible result.

Would you like to try the Advanced Alchemy of Growth?
You need 1 Nabaru's Greater Golden Apple[pl:"Apples"] for the Advanced Alchemy of Growth.

Do you have the Alchemical Materials?
You have brought me really top-notch materials. I'm already excited about seeing the result.

All preparations for the Advanced Alchemy of Growth are therefore complete.
The Advanced Alchemy of Growth was successful.

Can you feel the Unending Energy of Growth coming fromNabaru's Greater Golden Apple[pl:"Apples"]?

I will now transfer the experience produced to you.

Basic Reward
icon 180 000 000 XP
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count3
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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