ID: 70606
Beninerk, a Special Friend
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inanna and Beninerk
Lv.: 80
Asmodian Only

Talk to Stella employee Stellaki in Stellusia. Use the Sound Box in the Quest Cube. Find Inanna's Hideout and talk to Overthinking Inanna. Talk to Overthinking Inanna again and find out why she is protecting Beninerk. Use the Hide skill to escape being discovered by the guards, and flee. Escape the Shadow of Suffering. Talk to Accused Beninerk, who is locked in the Engine Room of Suffering. Get the Engine Room Control Key off the Workman[pl:"Workmen"] and free Accused Beninerk. Talk to Machinist Beninerk. Cross Grievance Bridge with Beninerk. Destroy Guardian Impel (1). Escape through the Back Door of the Shadow of Suffering. Go to Inanna's Hideout and talk to Overthinking Inanna. Inanna left you a message in the Sound Box. Find her.
You used the Dictacube you got from Inanna and listened to her voice.

Her message said she wanted to meet you in person and asked you to come and see her.

You met with Inanna, who was laying low in a hideout. She confirmed that the friend at Stella she had mentioned once was a Shugo called Beninerk.

You tried to convince Inanna that Beninerk, Stella Corporation General, was dangerous, but Inanna insisted she trusted him.

You relented and listened to Inanna explain why she believed in him.

Inanna and Beninerk had been kept as slaves by the remaining Balaur soldiers.

As Inanna was fleeing, she happened to bump into Beninerk. He was very open and warm towards her and wanted to join her.

When they got caught, Beninerk gave himself up for Inanna.

So it was hardly surprising that Inanna thought of him as a good friend.

Ultimately, Inanna and Beninerk became enslaved by the Balaur once more, but their new friendship made their captivity more bearable.

Thus Inanna and Beninerk were bound by more than meets the eye.

Full quest's text:
Player, wait!

Something arrived for you, Daeva... ah. Exactly. Here it is!

Quick, take it. It's a Dictacube[pl:"Dictacubes"].

Eh? Why so surprised?

Have you never seen a Dictacube[pl:"Dictacubes"] before?
I don't believe it! You must live under a rock, Daeva.

This is a Dictacube[pl:"Dictacubes"]. It contains the latest technology from Stella.

Right... hmm... basically, it's a recorder.

You can use it to record a voice message for others.

Use the Dictacube you received, Daeva.

You'll never know unless you try it, after all.
Player, you arrived safely.

I am relieved. I wanted to see it with my own eyes.
That's correct. Beninerk is my friend at Stella.

He's the reason why I am helping Stella.

I... care about him deeply.

That cannot be.

Beninerk said we had misunderstood the situation.

That must be the case, Player. A misunderstanding!

I trust Beninerk. Beninerk is... Beninerk and I... share something very special.
... Forgive me. No matter what happens, I trust Beninerk.

Of course, this doesn't mean I don't trust you, Player.

But... Beninerk is really dear to me.

Beninerk was the only one who would listen when everyone else ignored me.
A long time ago, Beninerk and I suffered through an experience together.

We were held captive and enslaved by the remaining Balaur soldiers.

When I met Beninerk...

That was the day I became fed up with my terrible life as a slave.

(Deep in thought, she talks about what she experienced.)
Huh? Is anyone there?

Is someone trying to escape?

How can this be?

Hey! Girl!
Hey! So young and yet so brave...

Shugo did have a plan but was too afraid to act on it... amazing!

Wait. Don't leave. Hear Shugo out.

Does this special girl have a name, ak?
Inanna? Shugo senses that Inanna is very special!

Shugo's name is Beninerk. Beninerk is a mechanic and a universal genius.

If Inanna takes Beninerk with her, both would benefit.

So... will Inanna take Beninerk with her? Shugo knows about many things and...

And... wants to get away from here too... The Balaur are horrible! Beninerk can't take it any more...


Get the Engine Room Control Key off the Workman[pl:"Workmen"] and save Beninerk, ak.
Beninerk has been dreaming of escape for so long...

Special girl... no, comrade Inanna! Thank you!

Beninerk will not disappoint Inanna.

Hahaha... Beninerk has a plan, don't worry!
Of course!

Beninerk has thought of everything!

Let's get away from here, ak!
(The only connection between the Shadow of Suffering and the outside world.)

(If you mean to escape, you must take this route.)

(Follow the bright ray of light.)
I will never be able to thank Beninerk enough for his help.

Even when I looked dreadful and monstrous, Beninerk saw something special in me.

He gave me a helping hand and wanted to be my friend.

He was a stranger to prejudice and discrimination.

If he was just using me to escape the prison, then why did he give himself up for me?

Basic Reward
icon x 190 977
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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