ID: 73004
The Development of Stella Serum 1
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Dumaha
Lv.: 80
Asmodian Only

Obtain Western Suhara Material and then talk to Karuka. PlayerTalk to Karuka again. Use Karuka's First Prototype[pl:"Prototypes"]. Talk to Illrina. Talk to Karuka. Carry out researcher Karuka's request and collect material in Western Suhara.
You carried out Stella researcher Karuka's request and collected materials in Western Suhara.

When you brought Karuka the materials, he let you sample his first prototype and asked you to give Illrina his First Research Report.

You brought Illrina the First Research Report. She promised she would pass it on to the General Commander when the opportunity arose.

Karuka said he couldn't wait that long, and would get started with the next examinations.

Full quest's text:
You want to know what work Stella researchers do?

Do you have any idea how much time we spent researching Nakisix?

I was one of the Nakisix scientists.

Now I'm in charge of developing the follow-on product to Nakisix.

And when it comes to procuring materials, you are my go-to person!

To make prototypes, I need you to collect [plur]Desert Frightcorn Leaf[pl:"Leaves"] and [plur]Sandbreath Moonflower Leaf[pl:"Leaves"] in Western Suhara.
Did you go to Western Suhara?

This material isn't hard to come by. I knew you would be quick about it.
You brought the Desert Frightcorn Leaves and the Sandbreath Moonflower Leaves.

The materials are in excellent condition, too. Very good.
Ta-dah! The first prototype, made with the material you brought.

Along with the first report. I must submit these results to the General Commander. Please take them to his secretary, Illrina.

In fact, I'm so glad for your help in getting the materials for my first prototype that I've got a present for you. Drink this and your Regeneration will improve.
That's Karuka's First Research Report.

I will notify the General Commander.

He does have a lot on his plate right now, so I don't know when he'll get around to it.
Dumaha is a researcher's paradise – there's just so much to discover!

Next time, I'll be looking into whether there are better materials than Desert Frightcorn Leaves and Sandbreath Moonflower Leaves.

Thanks for your help with my first attempt.

Basic Reward
icon x 159 148
- Stella Support Package of Aether Jams
- Greater Recovery Potion
- Greater Recovery Serum
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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