ID: 80131
[Event] Information Exchange
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Pandaemonium
Lv.: 10
Asmodian Only

Go to the Altgard Trade Brokerage and get Heloise's Letter for Craig. PlayerGet Heloise's letter at the Altgard Trade Brokerage and give it to Craig.
Craig sent you to the Altgard Trade Brokerage to get Heloise's Letter, which contained...something covert and important.
He thanked you for your service to Asmodae and to Lady Lumiel when you brought the letter.

Full quest's text:
That letter I gave you contains important information that should get to my partner Heloise.
But it pales in comparison to the info I'm expecting Heloise to send to me. THAT is truly something that could turn the tide of the whole war.

Azphel's teeth, no! You're too green to make that kind of contact directly! No offence.
We have a misdirector established at the Altgard Fortress Trade Brokerage.
With any luck, Heloise will have already given him what I need. Will you run this mission for me?

Then go to the Altgard Trade Brokerage at once. Find our contact, and get Heloise's Letter.
My sources have told me everything you've done for Asmodae.... I hope you can add this to your list of accomplishments.
Though given those accomplishments, maybe, by some miracle, you've already gotten your hands on the letter...?

Heloise's Letter is explosive, Daeva. Not literally, but for the contents that I think must be in it.
Our contact at the Altgard Trade Brokerage should have it, but if I show my face there now... Well, let's just say it could get ugly.
Did you get the letter? If so, I need to see it.

No? Shards! Well, then, you have some more work ahead of you to get Heloise's Letter.
You should be able to recognise our contact at the Altgard Trade Brokerage.
He'll ask if you know his cousin Minya in Beluslan. You must say "She has rainbow feet and a Poroco's bearing." Got it?

Give that to me!
Okay... yes... brilliant! Now we can finally make our move!
Sorry for being short with you, but this info is everything I'd hoped for. On behalf of a grateful Lady Lumiel, and myself, thank you.

Basic Reward
icon 10 000 XP
icon x 50 000
- [Jakunerk] Ornate Box
- [Jakunerk] Firework
Additional info
Quest giverGlimma
Recommended level10
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] Shadowy Recruitment

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