ID: 80165
[Event] Festival Fiesta
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 15
Elyos Only

Collect Dried Sweet Dado and give it to Draphios. PlayerCollect Dried Sweet Dado and trade it with Draphios for prizes.
Festival Staff Draphios offered prizes for Dried Sweet Dado, found on monsters during the Millenium Festival.
You collected the items and traded with him for prizes.

Full quest's text:
Hail, [%userclass]! Are you enjoying the Millenium Festival?
We may be at war, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate occasionally. In fact, events like this are especially important for us Daevas.
Well, being immortal makes it easy for one to lose perspective and forget one's roots. The Millenium Festival helps prevent that.
By making us contemplate how far we've come, it makes us remember where we've been, and who we were and are and will become.
Still, the Festival is supposed to be fun, too. Would you like to hear about how to get special prizes?
We of the Millennium Festival have scattered special items around the world for you to collect from monsters.
The item I take is Dried Sweet Dado--as in the vegetable, don't you know.
All you need is to bring me a sufficient amount, and I can give you a prize. Perhaps you may even have enough right now?

We deliberately made the Dried Sweet Dado unpalatable so monsters would hold onto it rather than eat it.
Though I suppose that brings up the question of why they don't just throw it away. I think maybe the organizers do something to it?
Still, they are good for one thing: prizes. That is, if you have enough of it....

You'll need more Dried Sweet Dado than that, I'm afraid.
We want to give everyone who celebrates the Millenium Festival a chance at the prizes we offer. Besides, it's no fun if it's too easy.
If you have other tasks to complete, perhaps you'll get enough while doing them. But do be conscious of the time; the Festival is not forever.

Splendid! You've certainly been busy, haven't you? Well, that's good for Atreia, Elysea, and you!
Please select whatever you like. You'll have a hard time getting these items once the Millenium Festival finishes!
If you get more Dried Sweet Dado, return tomorrow, and I'll give you another prize. Until then, walk in the light!

Basic Reward
icon 25 000 XP
Optional Reward
- [Jakunerk] Millennium Token
- [Title Card] Eventful Daeva – 7-day pass
- [Jakunerk] Hairpin Box
Additional info
Quest giverDraphios
Recommended level15
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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