ID: 80739
[Event] Offering
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Lv.: 1

Offer the Gravedigger a sacrifice. Take the sacrifice that you painstakingly acquired to the Gravedigger, who only appears at night.
You obtained a sacrifice using the ancient offering and the new offering.

The Gravedigger promised to give you the exorcism tool if you brought him a sacrifice.

He gave you Sacred Water for the ritual.

Full quest's text:
(A gleaming sacrifice.)

(It is surrounded by a dark energy.)

I am the Gravedigger, the master of souls.

(You offer him the sacrifice).

What is this?
(The Gravedigger looks at the sacrifice.)

You have passed the first test, Daeva.

I will give you a sacrifice as a reward.

It is very useful for the exorcism ritual, so take good care of it.

Basic Reward
- [Training] Sacred Water
Additional info
Quest giverGravedigger
Recommended level1
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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