ID: 2407
[Group] Blueprints for Assassination
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 37
Asmodian Only

Remove Commander Ulugant and bring the construction blueprints to Rikesh. PlayerRikesh was worried about the Lepharist Revolutionaries turning their attentions to the village. Kill Commander Ulugant to slow their construction progress, and bring back anything interesting you find on him.
Rikesh was worried because the Lepharist Revolutionaries were building a Citadel not far from the village.

Rikesh asked you to remove Commander Ulugant in order to slow down construction. You killed the Commander and brought the Blueprints that he had on him.

Full quest's text:
I don't know what those Lepharists are building, but it makes me nervous.

If they decide to attack, there's only three Archons to protect us....

We should keep them busy building...whatever it is they're building, so they don't come bother us.

Commander Ulugant seems to be the fellow in charge of construction, so if you could take him out, it should slow them up.

Will you help us out with this, Daeva?

Commander Ulugant might even have something on him that could help us figure out what they're building.

If you find anything, please bring it to me.

And make sure to take some backup! I don't think the Commander will go down without a fight.

How're things at the Lepharist Citadel? In chaos, I hope?

Well, we've got some time yet until they finish that base. Just...don't forget about us, Daeva.

These blueprints...don't tell me much, I'm afraid. I'm no engineer. But it looks like they're doing something underground.

These ought to go back to the Fortress. Maybe someone there can make something of them.

Basic Reward
icon 2 108 696 XP
- Rikesh's Ring
Additional info
Quest giverRikesh
Recommended level40
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Group] Taking Back the Hot Springs

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