ID: 2540
Granker for Gark
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 32
Asmodian Only

Procure the meat of Silver Granker Fawn[pl:"Fawns"]s and Silver Granker[pl:"Grankers"]s for Gark. PlayerProcure the meat of Silver Granker and Silver Granker Fawns for Gark.
Gark wants to go back to his tribe, but he must bring a gift with him. He asked you to procure Granker meat that he can bring to his tribe.

Full quest's text:
Did you know that Spriggs are omnivorous? Sure, we eat grains and fruits, but we also love meat.

I really appreciate the grain sacks, but if you don't have to rush away, I'll ask one more favour.

Could you get me some Granker meat?

Preferably, I’d like the tender meat of the [plur]Silver Granker Fawn[pl:"Fawns"] and the tough meat of the [plur]Silver Granker[pl:"Grankers"].

I have regained my strength and must now return to my tribe.

As I cannot return empty handed, could you get me 15 Tender Meat and 5 Chewy Meat?
Thank you, Daeva!

I can't wait to see my tribe again. What a feast we're going to have!

Will you hunt Silver Granker[pl:"Grankers"]s and Silver Granker Fawn[pl:"Fawns"]s, and bring me 15 lumps of young Granker meat and 5 lumps of Granker meat? The two kinds taste completely different, you know.
Young Granker Meat is particularly good when grilled, and Granker meat is best when stewed for hours. Days, even.

you hunt Silver Granker[pl:"Grankers"]s and Silver Granker Fawn[pl:"Fawns"]s and get the meat I wanted?

When we eat Granker meat, the meat from the Granker Fawn is our main dish, and the meat from the Granker is an accompaniment.

Unlike humans, we eat either meat or vegetables, but never both together.

But the meat of the Granker Fawn and the adult Granker definitely belong together.

Bring me 15 pieces of Tender Meat and 5 pieces of Chewy Meat.
Oh, it smells wonderful! This will be enough.

Now I'll go back to my tribe and we'll feast.

Thank you!

Basic Reward
icon 484 471 XP
icon x 84 380
Additional info
Quest giverGark
Recommended level33
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
The Starving Sprigg

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