ID: 30120
Releasing the Polearm's Potential
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 52
Asmodian Only

Get the Noble Polearm Components and bring it to Tataka. PlayerObtain the Noxallon Ingot, a material that can repair the Siel's Supreme Polearm.
Tataka said he needed a special material in order to repair the Siel's Supreme Polearm.

You went to see Aglauros and received the Noxallon Ingot for doing him a favour. With the ingot, Tataka restored the polearm into a Noble Siel's Supreme Polearm.

Full quest's text:
Tataka has inspected polearm closely...almost not worth repair. Tataka think hungry Drakan gnaw on handle...big teeth marks. Need rare material.

What say Daeva, give to Tataka for stirring stick instead?

Make delicious stew! Daeva can eat all stew Daeva wants if give Tataka polearm!

Daeva is sure? Stew is delicious! Tataka switch from rotten vegetable to mostly fresh vegetable, stew taste much better than used to!

Fine...Tataka see Daeva is serious. Will need Noxallon Ingot to repair polearm. Rare material created in battle between Siel and Tiamat. Very hot! Much energy! Then big explosion scar land.

After battle, Noxallon Ingots created, but now not many remain. Daeva is willing to find?

Tataka think Reian elders have most Noxallon Ingots.

Many used to forge weapons or taken by Balaur, but Reian elder Aglauros might have Noxallon Ingot. Daeva must convince Aglauros to give up.

Daeva brings ingot to Tataka, and will fix Siel's Supreme Polearm.

Shhhh! Daeva, Tataka is baking first ever Kobold souffle! Put in extra Crynac skin and Elroco tails. Should be most delicious!

What...what that huge bang? Blast! Souffle caved in! Tataka never get right....

Did Daeva get Noxallon Ingot? Hand over if have.
This not Noxallon Ingot! Tataka not know what this is.... Daeva hand Tataka tasties?

Tataka will! This hard and sharp! This just rock! Daeva needs to get Noxallon Ingot from Aglauros. And both things must be in Cube!

...Daeva thinks is funny to make Tataka eat rock?

Yes, this is what Tataka needs. Wait moment while Tataka repairs polearm.... cool down...done!

Give polearm heft. Much more balance, more power. Finest Kobold craftsmanship at work!

Basic Reward
icon 4 372 400 XP
- Noble Siel's Supreme Polearm
Additional info
Quest giverTataka
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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