ID: 4939
Proving Ground
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Fenris's Fang Quest
Lv.: 50
Asmodian Only

Talk with Njord. Talk with Sichel. Talk with Skadi. Collect Pandaemonium Decorations and take them to Skadi. PlayerTake Pure Holy Water to High Priest Balder for a purification ritual. Take the Mark of Contribution to Kvasir. Prove you are strong enough to join the Fenris Fangs. Collect Decorations of Pandaemonium to receive a Mark of Contribution.
Kvasir told you to prove your strength, mental and physical. You answered several riddles, then earned decorations to prove your combat prowess.

Full quest's text:
Well, now that we've gotten the easy part out of the way, it's time to see how good you really are. We value four things in the Fangs--strength, skill, perserverance, and bravery.

Ha! Confident. I like that. Let's see if you can back that up.

You sure you've got what it takes? You prepared to give your life over and over again for the good of Asmodae?

Let's test your strength first. We'll be testing more than physical strength, of course--we'll have to put your mental strength to the test as well.

Speak to Njord and we'll begin.

You're here for the test? It begins with but a single question.

The future of Asmodae springs from an Archon's head. The glory of Asmodae lies in an Archon's heart.

What, then, rests on an Archon's shoulder?

Very good. Every Daeva who has devoted themselves to Asmodae bears this decoration on their shoulders whether or not it is visible.

It is a mark of pride.

Sichel will give you the next part of the test.

I must admit I'm jealous. It's been my childhood dream to join the Fangs.

Well, let's get on with the test. It's not a difficult question, but every member of the Fangs must know the answer by heart.

In all Atreia, where is the place most touched by the glory of Azphel?

Yes, Pandaemonium, seat of Lord Azphel's power, home of the Temple of Azphel, a city shrouded in Lord Azphel's benevolent shadow.

Skadi will have the next portion of the test for you. I wish you the best with the Fangs.

I'll make this quick because I'm tired of flowery bureaucratic language. Put the two words you got together.

That's what you'll need to collect.

Exactly! The Pandaemonium Decoration was originally a tribute to the Daevas who contributed to the founding of Pandemonium in the period following the Cataclysm.

Nowadays, the Decoration is generally awarded for special services to the protection of Asmodae.

It’s a particularly prestigious piece with a long history that carries Azphel’s blessing.

You must receive 30 Pandaemonium Decorations to prove your skills.

Do you even know what you need to accomplish to receive the Decoration? If you don’t know, you should first go and see Tragi or Genoveva.
How many Decorations have you got?

Yes, that'll do nicely. Before you see Kvasir I recommend you get High Priest Balder to purify you again. I'm sure it's been a while.

I've been hearing of your trials. May Zikel grant you his strength.

Close your eyes and calm your soul. Let Aion's will flow through you.

Try to remember next time--it's Pure Holy Water.

Excellent. Take these pauldrons. Wear them with pride as a symbol of your strength.

Basic Reward
icon 5 390 338 XP
Optional Reward
- Fenris's Pauldrons
- Fenris's Shoulderguards
- Fenris's Spaulders
- Fenris's Shoulderplates
Additional info
Quest giverKvasir
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Work of the Fenris Fangs

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