[Weekly/Craft] Craft Petrification Sealing Wax [Weekly] Shulacks of Cliff Village [Weekly] Hanarkand Guard Tower [Weekly] Certificate to be Delivered to Alis [Weekly/Gather] Dewy Drana [Weekly/Craft] Craft Thermal Sealing Wax [Weekly/Group] Elder Narikiki of Cliff Village [Weekly] Drakan of Hanarkand [Weekly] Contract to be Delivered to Sitanerk [Weekly/Gather] Withered Drana [Weekly/Craft] Craft Nonthermal Sealing Wax [Weekly] Install Shulack Trap [Weekly/Group] Elder Zanuta of Hanarkand [Weekly] Document to be Delivered to Arius [Weekly/Gather] Flowering Drana [Weekly/Craft] Craft Contaminated Sealing Wax [Weekly] Shulack’s Tuca Prison [Weekly] Hanarkand Treasure Chest [Weekly] Notice to be Delivered to Supeburunerk [Weekly/Gather] Blooming Drana [Weekly/Craft] Craft Toxic Sealing Wax Liberate Cursed Elyos Souls Dark Domain that Requires Purification Remove Cursed Obelisk Hidden Blue Fleet's Treasure [Group] Defeat Dark Soul Bollvig Defeat Shulacks of Cliff Village Install Improved Shulack Trap Rescue Tuca from Shulack Hidden Shulack's Treasure [Group] Defeat Elder Narikiki of Cliff Village Defeat Drakan of Hanarkand Install Specialized Obelisk Remove Hanarkand Guard Tower Hidden Hanarkand Treasure [Group] Defeat Elder Zanuta of Hanarkand [Gather] Misty Drana [Gather] Dewy Drana [Gather] Withered Drana [Gather] Flowering Drana [Gather] Blooming Drana [Craft] Craft Petrification Sealing Wax [Craft] Craft Thermal Sealing Wax [Craft] Craft Nonthermal Sealing Wax [Craft] Craft Contaminated Sealing Wax [Craft] Craft Toxic Sealing Wax Liberate Cursed Elyos Souls Defeat Shulacks of Cliff Village Defeat Drakan of Hanarkand Obstacle of the Labor Agency [Gather] Drana Blooming in Balaurea [Craft] Craft Special Sealing Wax [Daily] Snuff the Snoops [Daily] Bye-Bye, Balaur [Daily] Scout Wipeout [Daily] Recon Unit Reckoning [Daily] Base Threat Abatement [Daily] Chastise the Spies [Daily] Mar the Balaur [Daily] Slay in the Fray [Daily] Too Close for Comfort [Daily] The Balaur Among Us [Daily] The Floating Hills Have Eyes [Daily] Balaur-ectomy [Daily] Deny the Spies [Daily] Balaur Beware [Daily] I Spy a Spy [Daily] Recon Unit Removal [Daily] Scouts Dishonor [Daily] Abase a Balaur Unit [Daily] Spies of Despise [Daily] Compromise the Spies [Daily] It's A-Scout Time [Daily] Balaur Gone Too Far [Daily] Take Out a Scout [Daily] Reproach the Encroachers [Daily] You Dirty Scouts [Daily] Step by Step [Daily] No More Today, Please [Daily] Persistence is a Virtue [Daily] Scout, Scout, Go Away [Daily] Too Far, Balaur [Daily] Seize the Base [Daily] They Think They Can [Urgent Order] Eliminate the Infiltrator [Urgent Order] Enemy of the Embattled State [Urgent Order] Public Enemy [Urgent Order] Know Your Enemy [Urgent Order] A Shady Infiltration [Urgent Order] Scum in Nebulum [Urgent Order] Stuck on Aspar [Urgent Order] No Hand Holding [Urgent Order] No Discrimination in Elimination [Urgent Order] Get These Enemies [Urgent Order] Nix That Villainous Mix [Urgent Order] Eradicate the Reprobates [Urgent Order] Disilgot Ya [Urgent Order] Don't Doubt the Redoubt [Urgent Order] Fighting in Fulminaer [Urgent Order] Pay Attention [Urgent Order] Expunge Enemy Expansion [Urgent Order] Upset the Threat [Urgent Order] Fort Due Fortitude [Urgent Order] Territory for Glory! [Urgent Order] Keep the Pace [Urgent Order] Aspatyr Lurker [Urgent Order] One More, Blaekmor [Urgent Order] Playing Keep Away [Urgent Order] Infiltrator Eradicator [Urgent Order] Infiltrate-oberfest [Urgent Order] Apperances Can Be Deceitful [Urgent Order] Behind Enemy Lies [Urgent Order] Still Got Disilgot [Urgent Order] Cold and Disilveir [Urgent Order] No Re-Doubts, No Regrets [Urgent Order] Disilheim, It's Time Beast and Bug The Terrible Trio A Tempest Toward Tranquility Big Game Hunt Sapiens, Subdued Klaw Katastrophe [Group] Meeting Adjourned [Group] Obstacle Course [Group] Making A List [Alliance] High Marks Peace, Blood, and Understanding Symbol for a Seal [Alliance] It's a Hit [Daily] Target Removal Crew [Weekly] Remove Shadow Target 2 [Weekly] Looking for an Opening [Weekly/Group] Remove Shadow Target 3 [Weekly/Group] A Peacekeeper's Life [Weekly/Alliance] For Sarpan! [Alliance] The Empress Must Die Assassinate Ashunatal [Group] Remove Raksha [Group] Vanquish Vasharti [Alliance] Zap Zadra Spellweaver [Alliance] Terminate Tuali [Alliance] Murder Muada Hi, Priestess Kahrun's People Rumors Solomon's City Friends, Indeed All in the Family The Wide World Opens