Dartas Village Gryphu Nest Secret Exit Forgotten Passage Weapon Forge Odium Refinery Armor Forge Bridge of Heaven Port Cayron Hill Pippi's Footprint Escape Tool Using Zone Underground Passage Entrance Beshmundir's Walk Dimaia Waterfall Hanarkand Prison Entrance Cowards Cove Rokoros Village Entrance Undirborg Treasure Vault Forest of Antiquity Relics Northern End of Strigik Forest Subterranea Plunder Storage Southern End of Viscum Swamp Underground Passage Entrance Door Suspicious Relic Site Abandoned Relic Site Hidden Area Sulfur Geyser Pool Geyser Rock Geyser Supraklaw Lure Naduka Biolab Entrance Unknown Lands Root Hollow Illusion Fortress Windstream Illusion & Phanoe Windstream