Infinite Night Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of Adma Adma Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Laboratory Laboratory Shoulderplates Akhal's Shoulderplates Akhal's Defensive Shoulderplates Atreia Conqueror's Plate Pauldrons Atreia Conqueror's Plate Shoulder Guard Archdaeva's Restructured Danuar Shoulderplates Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Shoulderplates Ancient Defensive Shoulderplates of Life Ancient Shoulderplates of Life Ancient Defensive Shoulderplates of Knowledge Ancient Shoulderplates of Knowledge Sage's Mystic Shoulderplates Sage's Shoulderplates Ancient Defensive Shoulderplates of Destiny Ancient Shoulderplates of Destiny Boundless Plate Pauldrons of Oath Boundless Plate Shoulder Pad of Oath Boundless Plate Pauldrons of Glory Boundless Plate Shoulder Pad of Glory Boundless Plate Pauldrons of Honor Boundless Plate Shoulder Pad of Honor Lunar Light Shoulderplates Lunar Light Nimble Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Albicant Aerie Albicant Aerie Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Thunder Ageless Shoulderplates of Thunder White Star's Chromatic Shoulderplates White Star's Chromatic Vice Shoulderplates Lunar New Shoulderplates Lunar New Nimble Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Hibernal Aerie Hibernal Aerie Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Umbra Ageless Shoulderplates of Umbra White Star's Lunatic Shoulderplates White Star's Lunatic Vice Shoulderplates Lunar Third Quarter Shoulderplates Lunar Third Quarter Nimble Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Brumal Aerie Brumal Aerie Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Unity Ageless Shoulderplates of Unity White Star's Sterling Shoulderplates White Star's Sterling Vice Shoulderplates Lunar Waning Crescent Shoulderplates Lunar Waning Crescent Nimble Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Silver Aerie Silver Aerie Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Dawn Ageless Shoulderplates of Dawn White Star's Mercurial Shoulderplates White Star's Mercurial Vice Shoulderplates White Star's Azurian Shoulderplates White Star's Azurian Vice Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Gloaming Ageless Shoulderplates of Gloaming Shoulderplates of the Niveous Aerie Niveous Aerie Shoulderplates Lunar Waning Gibbous Shoulderplates Lunar Waning Gibbous Nimble Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Rapture Ageless Shoulderplates of Rapture Lunar First Quarter Shoulderplates Lunar First Quarter Nimble Shoulderplates White Star's Halcyon Shoulderplates White Star's Halcyon Vice Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Arctic Aerie Arctic Aerie Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Adamantine Aerie Adamantine Aerie Shoulderplates White Star's Graceful Shoulderplates White Star's Graceful Vice Shoulderplates Lunar Waxing Gibbous Shoulderplates Lunar Waxing Gibbous Nimble Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Valor Ageless Shoulderplates of Valor Shoulderplates of the Argent Aerie Argent Aerie Shoulderplates Lunar Waxing Crescent Shoulderplates Lunar Waxing Crescent Nimble Shoulderplates White Star's Adamantine Shoulderplates White Star's Adamantine Vice Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Fortitude Ageless Shoulderplates of Fortitude White Star's Opalescent Shoulderplates White Star's Opalescent Vice Shoulderplates Shoulderplates of the Empyreal Aerie Empyreal Aerie Shoulderplates Ageless Bold Shoulderplates of Harmony Ageless Shoulderplates of Harmony Lunar Full Shoulderplates Lunar Full Nimble Shoulderplates 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_70D 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_70E 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_75D 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_75E 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_80D 5.0_Balance Test (Type)_Plate_Pauldrons_80E Dazzling Templar Plate Pauldrons of Dawn Light Dazzling Gladiator Plate Pauldrons of Dawn Light Boundless Plate Pauldrons of Hope Boundless Plate Shoulder Pad of Hope Mystery Guardian Special Functionary's Divine Plate Pauldrons Mystery Archon Special Functionary's Divine Plate Pauldrons Mystery Guardian Special Officer's Divine Plate Pauldrons Mystery Archon Special Officer's Divine Plate Pauldrons Boundless Plate Pauldrons of Oath Boundless Plate Shoulder Pad of Oath NPC_5.0_Medium Instanced Dungeon_Lv 75 Equipment_Plate Pauldron_01 NPC_5.1_Dark Poeta Tuning Instanced Dungeon_Plate Pauldron_01 NPC_5.1_Arena Equipment_Plate Pauldron_01 NPC_5.1_Craft Equipment_Plate Pauldron_01 Specialized Miragent Shouderplates Specialized Fenril Plate Shoulderplates Kroban's Shoulderplates Kroban's Defensive Shoulderplates Apollon's Shoulderplates Enraged Apollon's Shoulderplates Firm Apollon's Shoulderplates Noble Apollon's Shoulderplates Wise Apollon's Shoulderplates Divine Shoulderplates of the Arena Conqueror Divine Defensive Shoulderplates of the Arena Conqueror Divine Shoulderplates of the Arena Warrior Test Item Celestial Guard's Shoulderplates Celestial Guard's Shoulderplates Awakened Celestial Guard's Shoulderplates Awakened Celestial Guard's Shoulderplates Divine Shoulderplates of the Arena Warrior Test Item Shoulderplates of the Forgotten Reian Fighter Elite Expeditionary Daeva Shoulderplates Expeditionary Daeva Shoulderplates Kalis Shoulderplates Strengthened Kalis Shoulderplates Wise Shoulderplates Strengthened Wise Shoulderplates Episte Shoulderplates Noble Kalis Shoulderplates Noble Stoic Kalis Shoulderplates Noble Wise Shoulderplates Noble Stoic Wise Shoulderplates Noble Episte Shoulderplates