Lannok's Cipher-Blade Reaper's Cipher-Blade Yamennes Painflare's Cipher-Blade Campaigner's Cipher-Blade Reservist Cipher-Blade Elyos Login Stage Cipher-Blade 01 Asmodian Login Stage Cipher-Blade 01 Tirins' Cipher-Blade Garn's Cipher-Blade Rokaus' Cipher-Blade Pantager's Cipher-Blade Vard's Cipher-Blade Stern's Cipher-Blade Ljot's Cipher-Blade Faun's Cipher-Blade Windjammer's Cipher-Blade Pilot's Cipher-Blade Punishing Cipher-Blade Unyielding Cipher-Blade Conflict Cipher-Blade Destiny Cipher-Blade Savior's Cipher-Blade Chapana's Cipher-Blade Acrimonious Cipher-Blade Shumandir's Cipher-Blade Zahak's Cipher-Blade Elite Custodian's Cipher-Blade Custodian's Axial Proctor's Cipher-Blade Elite Shepherd's Cipher-Blade Shepherd's Axial Arbiter's Cipher-Blade Katalium Cipher-Blade Durable Katalium Cipher-Blade Master Noble Katalium Cipher-Blade Master Katalium Cipher-Blade Hard Katalium Cipher-Blade Lesser Master Noble Katalium Cipher-Blade Lesser Master Katalium Cipher-Blade Noble Prime Ophidan Cipher-Blade Prime Ophidan Cipher-Blade Noble Ophidan Cipher-Blade Ophidan Cipher-Blade Noble Premium Ophidan Cipher-Blade Premium Ophidan Cipher-Blade Fine Master Noble Katalium Cipher-Blade Fine Master Katalium Cipher-Blade Exalted Noble Katalium Cipher-Blade Exalted Katalium Cipher-Blade Corsair's Cipher-Blade Modor's Cipher-Blade Lunatic Modor's Cipher-Blade Danuar Reliquary Expedition's Cipher-Blade Hyperion's Cipher-Blade Enraged Hyperion's Cipher-Blade Infinity Shard's Cipher-Blade Wild Kitter's Cipher-Blade Sundrenched Cipher-Blade Sunsteeped Cipher-Blade Suntouched Cipher-Blade Shadedrenched Cipher-Blade Shadesteeped Cipher-Blade Shadetouched Cipher-Blade Eltnen Sentinel's Cipher-Blade Altruist's Cipher-Blade Remodeled Danuar Cipher-Blade Kratica's Cipher-Blade Vanquisher's Cipher-Blade Penemon's Cipher-Blade Grigol's Cipher-Blade Challenger's Cipher-Blade Sauro Guard's Cipher-Blade Sauren Cipher-Blade Sauro Commander's Cipher-Blade Danuar Cipher-Blade Skin Vera Defender Cipher-Blade Vera Defender Captain's Cipher-Blade Bastion Defender Cipher-Blade Bastion Defender Firm Cipher-Blade Danann Divine Cipher-Blade Danann Noble Cipher-Blade Combative Cipher-Blade Termination Cipher-Blade Discordant Cipher-Blade Gaia's Cipher-Blade Heraloene's Cipher-Blade Kakananta's Cipher-Blade Spatalos' Cipher-Blade Nokir's Cipher-Blade NPC 4.5 Normal Abyss Cipher-Blade NPC 4.5 Asmodian Abyss Cipher-Blade NPC 4.5 Instanced Dungeon Defense Cipher-Blade Basic NPC Grade Cipher-Blade Basic NPC Grade Cipher-Blade Basic NPC Grade Cipher-Blade Basic NPC Grade Cipher-Blade Basic NPC Grade Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Abyss Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Dramata Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tempere Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tempere PvP Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tahabata Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Rudra Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tiamat Appearance Modification Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tiamat Mythic Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tiamat Hero Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Tiamat Unique Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Daevanion30 Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Daevanion50 Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Daevanion60 Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Cat Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 and Lower Legion Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Normal Crafted Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Abyss Normal Elyos Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Abyss Normal Asmodian Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Abyss Musketeer Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Draconic Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Empyrean Lord's Royal Gift Hero/Unique Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Empyrean Lord's Royal Gift Legend Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Field Drop Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Named Drop Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Crafting PvP Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Ancient Relics Dungeon Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Ancient Coin Keyblade NPC 4.0 Steel Equipment Solo Cipher-Blade NPC 4.0 Steel Equipment Group Cipher-Blade Ranger's Cipher-Blade Fiendish Cipher-Blade [Event] Solorius Cipher-Blade [Event] Snowy Sweet Cipher-Blade Xenai's Cipher-Blade White Nights - Cipher-Blade Novice's Trusty Guardian Cipher-Blade Novice's Trusty Archon Cipher-Blade [Event] Tatar's Flawless Cipher-Blade Master Carved Drenium Cipher-Blade Master Carved Drenium Cipher-Blade Resplendent Axial Seraph Axial Eclipse Axial Shadowshift Axial Power Addition Test Item Triumphant Legion's Cipher-Blade Honorable Legion's Cipher-Blade Remodeled Danuar Cipher-Blade Custodian's Cipher-Blade Shepherd's Cipher-Blade Balance Test_PvP_Keyblades_E1_65A NPC Sauro Supply Base Cipher-Blade