ID: 806881
Femme Fatales of History 9
icon NPC
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


Femme Fatale of History

Volume 9. Corrupt Judge Kromede

Kromede was famous from an early age in her hometown Altgard. What made her renowned was her beautiful face.

However, anyone who had a chance to talk with her could recognize that she was not only pretty, but also very smart for her age.

As she grew up, she became more and more beautiful. The word beautiful was not enough to describe her beauty.

She charmed both men and women of all ages. Even without her intent, the beauty of her eyes made men kneel at her feet.

Everyone accepted her ascending as a matter of course because Kromede was more famous for her cleverness than for her beauty when she ascended.

She was outstanding even in the Tempere and was appointed as Executor of Silence right after finishing her training.

Kromede was also excellent as an Executor of Silence. Her approach and investigations were thorough in all cases, and she executed her endeavors to the end.

All of her colleagues and superiors praised her for her impeccable and reliable work. The only thing that concerned them was that she was obsessed with perfection.

After promoted to Judge of Silence, Kromede's rise was rapid.

Important cases were assigned to her and most Executors of Silence wanted to work under her.

If they had not been misled by her ability, the leaders of the Courthouse of Silence would have noticed that Kromede repeatedly took care of the same type of cases.

After promoted to a high position, Kromede started to show her strong interest in the cases related to an artifact of unimaginable power.

The first one to suspect her behavior was Nagelbaad, an Archon of Dusk.

At first the cases did not draw attention, but Nagelbaad noticed that all the reported cases took place in ancient ruins. Many seemingly insignificant cases were reported from ancient ruins in Atreia.

Nagelbaad investigated everywhere the cases took place and found the Courthouse of Silence had also done so but for different reasons.

It was not easy to investigate internal affairs of the Courthouse of Silence, but Nagelbaad did not give up collecting information. All clues he managed to obtain pointed to Kromede.

He was sure that Kromede was behind the cases but could not charge her easily.

As she held the confidence of the Courthouse of Silence, he could be accused of making false allegations if he revealed her as the culprit without solid evidence.

In addition, since the Archon of Dusk was on bad terms with the Courthouse of Silence, Nagelbaad could not stand out in accusing Kromede.

Finally, he decided to do it in a roundabout way, although it would take longer. He started to reveal the cases one by one to his informants and let them spread rumors.

Kromede soon realized that someone was on to her, but did not pay much attention.

She believed that her reputation in the Courthouse of Silence would not be impaired by such a rumor. She was convinced that her seniors, colleagues, and subordinates were all infatuated with her.

However, Kromede missed one thing. She didn't know how cruel men could be when their love was not returned.

Kromede's cases came to the surface and threw the Courthouse of Silence into utter confusion.

Kromede who used to judge criminals became the culprit to be judged.

The Courthouse began to investigate Kromede's corruption scandal and discovered a secret warehouse she rented from the Black Cloud Traders.

In the warehouse they found ancient spellbooks, legendary skill manuals, ancient manastones known to increase one's power, and many other valuables.

Although the quantity itself was breathtaking, the ability she might obtain from those relics was unimaginable. Kromede had collected an incredible quantity of ancient relics.

Surprisingly, she confessed everything in a quiet tone during the trial for corruption charges.

She hoped to gain supreme authority by using her perfect beauty and ability. She said she wanted everything to be perfect.

To realize her dream, she needed ancient skill manuals known to give strong power. She came to obtain many other relics while searching for the manuals.

The corruption of a judge was deemed the worst crime that might never be pardoned. She was sentenced to being transformed into Slime and confined to the dungeon.

Upon sentencing, the Courthouse of Silence thought the case was over. However, Kromede was not a person to let others transform her into Slime.

She made the most of her charm and captivated watchers and sentence executors. She managed to run away with most of the relics she had accumulated.

Little is known about where she went and what she did after escaping from jail. Rumor has it that she left to find legendary skill manuals or that she hid deep in the Abyss.

Wherever she is now, she must be exercising authority by making the most of her best weapons, her beauty and wit. As the best femme fatale of history is supposed to.

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