ID: 834424
icon NPC
<A Knight in Love>
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 20m


If you could find my paper cranes and give them to her, it might make her a little happier.

Player: Continue listening.

Nice to meet you, my name is Tristan.

I wanted confess my love to a girl. So I asked her if I could meet her here.

Amazingly, she replied that she would see me.

You might think it’s childish, but I made paper cranes as a small token of my love for her.

On my way here, I only thought about how happy she would be. It also made me so happy.

But when I came to my senses again, I was no longer holding the bottle containing the paper cranes. I must have dropped it on the way somewhere.

Player: Continue listening.

Could you please help me?

If you find small paper cranes during your journey around Atreia, could you please come to me. No wait. Please take them to her for me.

Her name is Isolde, ah...! Just saying her name out loud gives me the shivers.

Isolde is in somewhere not very far from here.

Ah, you can see from here too. She’s over there.

But I don’t dare face her now, because I’m so late. It’s way past the time we were supposed to meet.

If you could find my paper cranes and give them to her, it might make her a little happier.

Player: End dialog.

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