ID: 72240
Is This a Trap?
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Enshar
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Obtain the Conchshell Lobnite Meat and take it to Coli. PlayerTalk to Zake Go to Obscure Point Report to Bastan Zake said the Expedition is running low on supplies and asked you to obtain Red Desert Lobnite's Meat. Carry out Zake's request.
Zake said the Expedition is running low on supplies and asked you to obtain Red Desert Lobnite's Meat.

When you obtained the Red Desert Lobnite's Meat and took it to Coli, she said there is no need for more and the excess will just go to waste.

Zake dismissed what she said and told you to go to a place, because there is someone who wants to see you.

When you went to the place Zake told you, you were ambushed by some Beritra troops but you managed to defeat them.

When you returned to report to Bastan, he said he will tighten the internal security.

Full quest's text:
Hey, over here! Hee hee...I have a mission for you, so listen to me carefully.

Get some Conchshell Lobnite Meat right now and take it to Coli.

We're running really low on supplies!

There isn't time to attend to other things.

Hurry and go get them now!

Player: Accept.

What brings you here?

Was there something I asked you to do, Player?

Player: Hand over the Red Desert Lobnite's Meat.

Isn't this Conchshell Lobnite Meat?

But we don't need more of this at the moment.

If we have too much stored up, the excess will rot and go to waste.

Who made you waste time like this, when we're so busy and short-handed...?

Player: End dialog.

What is it? There are supplies left over?

No, no, you did well. Don't worry about Coli...

That reminds me... It's time again. Hee hee...

There's someone who has a special favor to ask of you.

I'll tell you where to find him, so you'd better go and see what it's about.

Player: End dialog.

That was close.

It appears that there are men in the Support Corps whose minds are under Beritra's domination.

We'd better tighten the internal security to prevent recurrence.

Beritra must be attacking us so that we would collapse from the inside.

But we can't let ourselves be defeated by such trickery when we've come this far, can we?

Basic Reward
icon 63 656 140 XP
icon x 72 089
- Socket Stone
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Blood Forever

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