ID: 80476
[Event] Drowning Is not an Option
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Event
Level: 10

Gather 10 Magical Embers for Adeline. PlayerGather 10 Magical Embers for Adeline so she can teach you to have fun in the water.
You gathered Magical Embers for Adeline who is tending the Divine Bonfire.

She promised to teach you how to have fun in the water, and guess what! Apparently water is a lot of fun for Daevas after all!

Full quest's text:
I was just having fun in the water. The festival is such a magical time!

Have you been in the water yet?

Player: "Swimming is hazardous for my health."

Oh, of course! But this isn't swimming! This is experiencing the purifying effect water can have in our lives.

Tell you what. I'm gathering Magical Embers to keep this Divine Bonfire burning. If you bring me 10, I'll show you how to have fun in the water without worrying about that pesky drowning business.


Player: Accept.

Great! I mean, I can keep this bonfire going a long time, but the 10 Magical Embers really will help!

See you soon!

Player: "Sure thing."

Back so soon?

Did you bring 10 Magical Embers as I asked?

Player: "Here they are."

Excellent! Now we can keep the Divine Bonfire going forever!

And now for my end of the bargain. You're really going to enjoy the water after this!

Read this card, and choose Fun in the Water from the social motions. I promise you'll love it!
Daeva, it's unfair for you to just demand the joy of water from me.

I'll wait here patiently for the 10 Magical Embers, but you must bring them!

Player: "Right. Be right back."

Basic Reward
- [Emotion Card] Dabbling in Water (1 day)
Additional info
Quest giverAdeline
Recommended level10
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysEvery Day
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

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