ID: 11112
There's Gold in That Thar Valley
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 52
Elyos Only

Collect Puca's Sacks and bring it to Meininerk. PlayerMeininerk said he caught a glimpse of gold inside a Puca's Sack, and he asked you to bring some back for him.
While passing through Weeping Valley, Meininerk caught a glimpse of gold inside a Puca's Sack.

He asked you to retrieve some sack sfor a reward, which you did, but the reward was paltry.

Full quest's text:
When Meininerk was passing through Weeping Valley, ran into a group of angry Pucas. Almost died indeed, nyerk.

But...also saw gold thing in a Puca's Sack. Very pretty and shiny! Must be worth lots of Kinah!

Meininerk have plan. Does Daeva want to hear plan?

Player: "Let's hear your plan, Shugo."

Meininerk thinks the shiny, pretty thing be gold! Lots of gold indeed! Puca maybe found big gold mine...keeping secret.

Think Daeva and Shugo put heads together! Daeva is strong...Daeva can carry gold. Meininerk is smart...make us lots of Kinah from gold.

So Daeva take gold thing inside Puca's Sacks for Meininerk. Then Meininerk give you reward...tasty reward. We are partners.

Player: Accept.

If what Meininerk saw in the sack is gold, will give you real fair share, Daeva. Daeva and Shugo be rich soon!

Inside Weeping Valley is where I saw. Get many Puca's Sacks and bring back to Meininerk. Will know what to do after.

If it is not gold, can do nothing about it. If it is gold, Shugo and Daeva be rich indeed!

Player: "I hope you're right, Shugo."

Daeva find sack? What's inside? What's inside Puca's Sacks?

Meininerk so excited...have not eaten since Daeva leave! So excited indeed!

Meininerk is sure it is gold....

Player: "Here's your Puca's Sacks."

Meininerk not eaten in ages, Daeva! Where are sacks? Nyerk? You not find yet? Just one not enough, you know! Pucas do not carry much!

Need Puca's Sacks! Daeva said would get for Daeva did not! Mean indeed!

Fine! Will pay Daeva more if Daeva brings back sacks now! More Kinah! Fine!

Player: "I'll get your sacks, Shugo."

Ahhh, Meininerk smell gold! Shugo nose is sensitive to smell of gold. Meininerk think we are rich, Daeva!

Hmmm...Shugo nose not as good as Shugo eyes. Gold is low quality, nyerk. Not very pure.

Meininerk not get much Kinah for this gold. Will still pay Daeva...but not as much, nyerk. Bad day for Shugo and Daeva.

Basic Reward
icon 835 700 XP
icon x 13 500
Additional info
Quest giverMeininerk
Recommended level52
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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