ID: 18403
[Group] Dratamin! Foiled Again!
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Esoterrace
Level: 99
Elyos Only

Collect Dratamin Boxes from Esoterrace Elites and take them to Derna. PlayerThe Wisplight Legion seeks to dent Esoterrace operations. Aid them by collecting Dratamin Boxes.
Derna, a Wisplight Legionary, asked you to join her legion's efforts in hampering operations at the Esoterrace.

Her first order was to steal Balaur rations. As instructed, you defeated Esoterrace Elites and took their Dratamin Boxes to Derna. She praised your hard work.

Full quest's text:
Daevas from Sanctum to Inggison are abuzz, all talking about your discovery of the Esoterrace.

It's frightening, yet exciting. This is our opportunity to avenge our recent losses and turn back the lawless tide.

The Wisplight Legion moves against the Balaur and their Esoterrace, as many other legions do.

Player: "So what do you need me for?"

Our resources are vast, but... With so many operations, we can't engage in all of them as we'd like.

The Esoterrace is manageable, but the results would be even better with help.

That's why I turn to you. Your experience there would be invaluable.

Player: Accept.

You walk in Ariel's light, Player. We're all grateful for your assistance.

Our first course of action: taking Dratamin rations from the Balaur. An army marches on its stomach, after all.

We've discovered that Esoterrace Elites are in charge of ration distribution. Kill them for the Dratamin.

Player: "It's as good as done."

Ugh, Dratamin. It's just as disgusting as everything else Balaur.

But it makes sense that those foul beasts would consume substances that a Porgus would turn up its nose at.

I shudder at the thought of what you're about to give me. But I must, for Elysea....

Player: "Here. I'm glad to be rid of 'em."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm afraid that's not enough Dratamin.

Remember, our purpose is to take enough to weaken operations at the Esoterrace.

I'm sure you're as disgusted as I am, but we must all make sacrifices for Elysea.

Player: "The things I do for victory...."

The stench tells me that you've done enough.

If we're lucky, troops will start a minor rebellion out of hunger. Sweet Ariel, how glorious that would be.

I'll make sure this offal is properly disposed of. I hope this recompense makes up for the pain.

Basic Reward
icon 8 141 771 XP
icon x 870
- Stigma Shard
Additional info
Quest giverDerna
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Pursuing the Prisoners

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