ID: 2932
[Expert] Armorsmithing Expert
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Pandaemonium
Level: 29
Asmodian Only

Attend the Expert appointment ceremony held by Vidar. Master Armorsmith Kinterun recommended you for the title of Expert. Find Governor Vidar for an appointment ceremony.
With nothing more to teach you, Kinterun, the Master Armorsmith, proudly declared you an Expert Armorsmith.

You took his commendation letter to Governor Vidar. At a small ceremony, he awarded your title.

Full quest's text:
Not bad, Player. Not bad at all. The armor you make? It's perfect. Bloody perfect.

I had high hopes for you, but to reach Expert so quickly?

I've no more to teach you.

Player: "Master Kinterun..."

You should have the title to match your skills.

"Armorsmithing Expert." Not fancy, grant you, but if we wanted fancy titles, we'd be Elyos!

How about it, eh? Up for a ceremony?

Player: Accept.

Right, then. Governor Vidar needs to grant your title.

I'll write you out a commendation letter for that formality. Then you visit Vidar, receive your title and attend the appointment ceremony. Don't worry. It's short.

Player: "It's an honor, Kinterun."

I warn you, I'm very busy right now.

Unless this requires my personal attention, bring it to Skadi or Kvasir.

Player: "My commendation letter from Kinterun..."

Aah, excellent, Player! Most excellent. If Master Kinterun says so, you must be talented.

I am no word-smith, Player. I have no flowery speech prepared. Know only this--it is your armor that turns the claws of our foes. High walls and towers defend us here, but in the Abyss, armor is the only defense! Few will meet the Daeva who saves their life, but I thank you.

Master Kinterun has the worst manners in the city, but his talents are supreme, and you are the proof of that.

Basic Reward
icon 291 412 XP
- Triumphant Helm
Optional Reward
- Design: Expert Adamantium Hauberk
- Design: Expert Adamantium Breastplate
- Design: Expert Adamantium Shield
Additional info
Quest giverKinterun
Recommended level30
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Expert] Armorsmith's Final Exam

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