ID: 60104
Expanding the Black Cloud Traders' Business
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 54
Elyos Only

Talk to Elyos Wildheart Grove Northern Bind Point Supply Specialist Talk to Elyos Phanoe Valley Bind Point Supply Specialist Talk to Elyos Giant's Garden Bind Point Supply Specialist Talk to Elyos Viscum Swamp Bind Point Supply Specialist Talk to Elyos Gelkmaros Falls Bind Point Supply Specialist Talk to Elyos Dragonspine Rise Bind Point Supply Specialist Take the Contract Signatures to Jakurerk Bring the document signed by all the Bind Point quartermasters to Jakurerk so that the Black Cloud Traders can establish a foothold in Balaurea.
Jakurerk wants to enter an agreement with the quartermasters of each Bind Point so that the Black Cloud Traders can establish a solid foothold in Balaurea.

Jakurerk gave you a document promising low prices upon agreeing to trade with the Black Cloud Traders and asked you to get signatures from the quartermasters of each Bind Point.

When you brought back the document signed by the quartermasters of each Bind Point, Jakurerk gave you a reward for your hard work.

Full quest's text:
We've received important orders from the Traders' higher-ups.

They want us to establish a solid foothold for the Black Cloud Traders in Balaurea.

If this mission goes according to plan, not only will it lead to the advancement of the Black Cloud Traders, it will also guarantee my success, nyerk.

Player: (Keep listening.)

To do that, I need active Elyos support.

(Waving a piece of parchment) I'd like Daeva to bring this document to each Bind Point in Balaurea and gather signatures.

There are too many dangerous places for me, and it'll be much easier for you to gain their trust being a Daeva from Elyos.

Player: "What does the document say?"

It's a document promising low prices if they agree to trade with the Black Cloud Traders.

They will be able to buy stuff much cheaper than before, so for Elyos, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What do you say? Can you get their signatures for me?

You pass through a bunch of Bind Points anyway, right, Daeva?

Player: Accept.

I know it will be difficult, but please help me!

Just get the signature of the quartermaster at each Bind Point. Of course, some may not react positively to the terms.

Here's a document with info about fortress quartermasters. Use it to convince these quartermasters to sign the contract, nyerk.

Player: End conversation.

So glad to see you.

We could really use a hand.

I need your help with a few things. Could you help me?

But... what's that in your hand?

Player: Hold out the Black Cloud Traders document while explaining the situation.

The Black Cloud Traders...

I can't quite figure out what those Shugos are thinking.

Are you saying they decided to side with Elyos? I don't believe it.

But I'll turn a blind eye and sign the document.

Player: End conversation.

I've been waiting for your arrival. You've brought supplies, haven't you?

No...? Oh... what should I do...

What is taking the quartermaster so long...? Did I miss an order again...? Did you happen to see the quartermaster on your way here?

Player: "What's wrong?"

I'm ashamed to say... but I lost the outfit I'm supposed to wear to work...

So, as you can see, I'm not properly dressed.

I need to fix this somehow before the next supply inventory report...

Umm, I'm busy right now, so can you come by another time?

Player: Have you lost your helmet by any chance? I can fix that.

You want me to call in an emergency supply run to the Black Cloud Traders to get you a helmet?

Hmm, this solves my urgent problem and also allows me to quickly resupply things when they're needed in a hurry.

Fine. I'll sign it, but please tell them to send me a list of items they can supply, including the helmet, as soon as possible.

But first... hurry with the helmet!

Player: End conversation.

I'm busy, so please come back later.

I need to find my helmet quickly, and I have to deal with the supplies that haven't arrived yet.

Player: Have you lost your helmet by any chance? I can fix that.

How sympathetic of you, but that's not comforting at all right now.

I appreciate your concern. Please come back another time.

Player: Have you lost your helmet by any chance? I can fix that.

Have you brought an important secret order or something?

Judging by the serious look on your face, it must be quite important.

Stop beating around the bush and show me what it is.

Player: Hold out the Black Cloud Traders document while explaining the situation.

I roughly understand what this is.

But how rude of that Jakurerk Shugo and those Black Cloud Traders!

If they want to strike deal, they should come themselves. Why did they ask a Daeva to do it?

I can't believe they made you waste your precious time on this...

Besides, we already have a supply distributor so no can do. Discipline is a very important part of the chain of command, you see.

Unless there are special items that aren't available in Balaurea...

Player: It's no fun living such a disciplined life, is it?

It might not be important to you, but it's important to me.

These are my beliefs as a Daeva.

Please be on your way now.

Player: They'll probably have a lot of special items, like medicine that makes scars disappear...

Such a thing exists?

It seems the Black Cloud Traders have quite a number of interesting curiosities in their supplies that we've never seen before.

Perhaps we can find something that will be of great use to us Elyos.

I'll sign it. I'll finally be able to take this helmet off... N-No, I was merely talking to myself.

Player: End conversation.

Price is not the issue.

Rules and discipline. These are my beliefs as a Daeva.

Please be on your way now.

Player: It's no fun living such a disciplined life, is it?

Ah, that's refreshing.

Legionnaires went out scouting and cracked a few skulls near the Bind Point when they saw Asmodians lurking around, haha!

Battles have been going sideways for a while now and that just made me feel so much better.

Oh, what did you say you needed?

Player: Hold out the Black Cloud Traders document while explaining the situation.

Hahaha, I'm not sure if this is feasible, but I won't reject the offer.

I don't care whether it's the Black Cloud Traders or the Wind Breeze Shop. The only thing I care about is getting goods on time.

However, just remember... If anything goes wrong, that's all on you. Hahaha!

Player: End conversation.

I've heard that someone's been visiting all the Bind Points with a Shugo document.

I didn't know that it was you, though, Player.

To think you'd end up running errands for the Shugos... Well, let's have a look at the document first.

Player: Hold out the Black Cloud Traders document while explaining the situation.

It's just as I heard.

I've heard that the power struggles among the Shugos has been getting intense, and I guess the Black Cloud Traders have acted first.

But do you know how I became the quartermaster for a Bind Point at this age?

It's because my sense of responsibility and duty to this position.

I can't sign the document without assurances that the Black Cloud Traders are trustworthy, at least while I'm here.

Player: They're well-established Traders in Reshanta. I'm sure they can be trusted, right?

I don't trust them unless I've seen them with my own eyes.

As long as I'm in charge of supplies at this Bind Point, there will be no problems here.

Player: Wouldn't trading with the Black Cloud Traders be really convenient in a lot of ways?

It might be convenient, but I don't trust them unless I've seen them with my own eyes.

As long as I'm in charge of supplies at this Bind Point, there will be no problems here.

Player: They're well-established Traders in Reshanta. I'm sure they can be trusted, right?

Oh. Umm...

Looking at the list, I see that desserts from all over Atreia can also be supplied.

I think this could be an important deal to boost our morale.

Uh... It's definitely not because I want to eat them.

Ahem... I'll sign it. I'm eager for this deal to go through as soon as possible.

Player: End conversation.

Have you run into the Asmodians on your way here?

I've brought the Collection 22 Armor I got yesterday to take out those Asmodian scoundrels today.

Let me know if you have any useful information. We need to get rid of the Asmodians once and for all.

Come, Asmodian scum... if you will! Your weapons shall never pierce my armor!

Player: Show the Black Cloud Traders document.

The Black Cloud Traders? I've never heard of them.

I can see that many others have signed this document, so it seems they're not as shady as I thought...

This is worrying. What if this will add to more worries on top of the Asmodians...?

Player: They supposedly have a variety of weapons as well.

I don't think weapons are that important in combat.

Defense is the epitome of battle.

Our supplies are being handled well enough. There's no need to add something else to worry about.

Player: They supposedly have a variety of armor as well.

Daeva, what do you think is more important, offense or defense?

I think the perfect defense is the best offense.

Having armor from different regions would be of great help to our military power.

I'll sign it. May the Empyrean Lords bless you!

Player: End conversation.

What does food matter?

You just need to make sure you're getting the important nutrients. Our current supplies will do.

Getting rid of the Asmodians! I'm not interested in anything else.

Player: They supposedly have a variety of weapons as well.

Did you really get all the signatures?

I feel like crying, thinking about what Daeva has gone through while getting these signatures, nyerk.

Here, take this. Daeva deserves it for all the hard work.

This document will be treated as a treasure by the Black Cloud Traders, nyerk.

Basic Reward
icon 8 512 451 XP
icon x 1 500
Additional info
Recommended level58
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor, Fighter, Brawler

Quest requirements
Not completed quests:
Jakurerk's Shot at the Big Time

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