ID: 2392
Beautiful Feather
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 33
Asmodian Only

Hunt Virago Looters, Imposing Crestlichs or Arrogant Pecku and then bring the feathers to Muorinerk. PlayerMuorinerk was worried that his position with the Traders might be weakened while he's on holiday. Bring the feathers of Viragos, Crestliches or Peckus for Muorinerk, who's looking for local things to sell.
Muorinerk was worried that his position with the Traders might be weakened while he's not trading.

You hunted birds near the village and brought the feathers to him so that he could continue to trade.

Full quest's text:
Stop bothering me! Oh, Daeva doesn't want to buy? Muorinerk came here for rest, and everyone wants to trade.

Maybe Muorinerk should go home. My position in the Traders is falling while I rest here, nyerk!

Why come on holiday to this annoying place with nothing but Tripeeds and...Hmmm...birds.

Player: "I thought Shugos could make Kinah anywhere."

It's true, it's true! Muorinerk could sell rocks in a quarry! Akakakak! But right now Muorinerk is thinking of bird feathers...and Kinah!

Listen--If Daeva will bring Muorinerk the feathers of Green Virago Feathers, Dark Red Crestlich Feathers, or White Pecku Manes. I'll sell them elsewhere, and give clever Daeva a share of profit!

We have deal, yes?

Player: Accept.

The Virago Looters have lovely, lovely green feathers, yes! The Imposing Crestlich has dark red feathers, and Arrogant Peckus have white, white manes.

Hurry, Daeva--there's Kinah to be made in this place.

Player: "I'll bring them back soon."

What did Daeva bring Muorinerk?

Let me see!

Hmmm...which ones look best?

Player: "These Green Virago Feathers are prettiest."

You've come back empty handed! What were you out there doing? Akakak!

I could have hired some other Daeva. This place is covered in Daevas!

Player: "I'll come back with more."

Yes! Beautiful, beautiful green color!

The ladies at Vanahal will go crazy for it! Akakak!

Thank you so much for hunting those Viragos to get these!
Ah, Dark Red Crestlich Feathers will look very nice on a hat.

Muorinerk will send samples to Traders.
Oh, so so silky and luxurious, nyerk.

Very regal on a dress, yes! Muorinerk will see what seamstress Eiren thinks.

Thank you for bringing these!

Basic Reward
icon 484 471 XP
- Recovery Potion
- Silver Coin
- Mana Potion
- Silver Coin
- Life Potion
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverBeramones
Recommended level33
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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