ID: 23500
[Achievement] Inspect the Katalam Base
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Hero
Lv.: 65
Asmodian Only

Deliver Vard's Order to Arfast. Deliver Vard's Order to Cavloft. Deliver Vard's Order to Fjotra. Talk with Arfast. Talk with Cavloft. Talk with Fjotra. Check the status of a base near the Danuar Spire and deliver Governor Vard's updated orders.
Governor Vard wanted you to help secure the area around the Danuar Spire.

You delivered his updated orders to one of the bases there.

Full quest's text:
Greetings. You have been through many things since you arrived here. I think the task I have for you now should prove easy in comparison.

We must claim the Danarian bases, and raise the flag of victory.

Player: "How can I help?"

To begin with, we must consolidate our defense around the Danuar Spire.

I'd like you to check on a nearby base and make sure it is under our control--and if not, reclaim it in the name of the Asmodians!

While you're there, please deliver these orders to the guard in charge.

Player: "The task is mine!"

Excellent. That's one less thing I have to worry about.

Now, which base would you like to check on?

If the Elyos or Balaur own it, it's up to you to recapture it. On the other hand, if it's under our control, so much the easier for you!

Player: "I'll try Occupier's Lounge."

No? I hope it's because you have more pressing matters to deal with, and not because you've lost your will to fight!

Player: "Definitely the former."

Yes, that base is the closest to the Danuar Spire, and therefore our last line of defense if things go badly. We must make sure it is secure.

Here, take these orders to Arfast.

Player: "Blood for blood."

Ah, a wise choice. If we lose the Foothold, we lose the approach to the Danuar Spire, which will be bad news for us.

Here are the orders for Cavloft. Please deliver them quickly.

Player: "The task is mine."

That is very like you, Player, wanting to jump in where the fighting is the fiercest!

Well, I'm sure that Fjotra will be glad of your help, and of these orders.

Player: "Blood for blood."

There's not much going on here. I'm bored! Are you here with news of a fight to be had?

Player: "Just these orders, sorry."

Things are calm here for now, but we must remain vigilant.

Do you have intelligence that can help us prepare?

Player: "No, but the Governor sends these ordesr."

Good to see you, Player. Can you smell that? That is the scent of battle approaching.

We see quite a bit of action around here, I can tell you!

Player: "I hope these orders help, then."

Orders mean that we're going to be attacked, right? Those Ellies better hurry up and start something soon. My sword hand is getting itchy!

Well, thanks for delivering this, anyway.
Sigh... It would be one thing if the Governor sent us something useful, but no, we just wait, ignorant of what is coming our way.

Ah, well, not your fault.
Ah, good! The Governor is an excellent strategist, so this should help us with our next defense.

I guess you don't get to be Governor without proving yourself!

Basic Reward
icon 2 584 915 XP
icon x 150 660
Optional Reward
- Katalam Jewel Ring
- Katalam Crystal Ring
- Katalam Leather Belt
- Katalam Sash
- Katalam Jewel Earrings
- Katalam Crystal Earrings
- Katalam Jewel Necklace
- Katalam Crystal Necklace
Additional info
Quest giverVard
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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