ID: 1198
The Writing on the Wall
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Verteron
Level: 12
Elyos Only

Take the Lepharist Revolutionaries' letter to Spatalos at the Verteron Citadel. You discovered a letter detailing the Lepharist Revolutionaries' plan to weaken the Aetheric Field. Take it to Spatalos and warn him of the danger.
You discovered a letter from the Lepharist Revolutionaries in Belbua's Farm. It contained a detailed plan for weakening the Aetheric Field while others ran a diversion.

Realizing that it was a conspiracy to put Elysea in danger, you reported to Spatalos about the discovery. He thanked you for your vigilance.

Full quest's text:
(A slightly faded piece of paper is pinned to the wall by a sharp knife. Looking closely reveals something alarming:)

"...the diversion should allow sufficient time. We'll infiltrate the Observatory and, if all goes smoothly, we'll be able to weaken the Aetheric Field itself. Let us not falter now. We must overcome the obstacles ahead if our dreams are to be realized."

(This has to be taken to Spatalos, General of Verteron Citadel!)

Player: "Spatalos needs to know about this!"

You have been to Belbua's farm, then?

Keeping tabs on those Lepharists has proven harder than we thought. They hide their movements well, and we haven't yet successfully infiltrated.

Sanctum wants to know why they are there, though, so we can't just kill them outright. What have you got there?

Player: "You should read this..."

What's this say? Oh no! We underestimated their capabilities. Their intentions. Everything.

Why plan to weaken the Aetheric Field? Are the Lepharist Revolutionaries in league with the Balaur?!

I must send word to Sanctum. Thank you for everything you have done, Player. We are indebted to you. I insist that you take this.

Basic Reward
icon 17 850 XP
icon x 3 910
Additional info
Quest giverManir
Recommended level12
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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12-07-2014 22:31

The Bandit's Letter is pinned with a knife on a door inside the cabin where Cavil is.