ID: 21277
Out of their Cold, Dead Hands
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Greater Stigma Quest
Level: 55
Asmodian Only

Collect the Stigma Research Diary and some Document Reagent, then bring them to Garath. PlayerFind the Stigma Research Diaries the Undead Drakan Researchers in the Naduka Biolab have on them. You can also search the Naduka Drakan Researchers at Dragonrests. Find them and help Garath's study on Balaur Stigma.
Garath received important information regarding Balaur Stigma from Batalrion and needed your help.

You agreed to help, and brought all that was asked of you for a fitting reward.

Full quest's text:
Ah! Finally! The shadows shield the sun! Grace has crossed my path, Player!

Batalrion sends happy news, you see? Stigma has been uncovered, and my fortunes as a Stigma Master have changed with a favorable wind.

Player: "What's happened?"

I'm sorry, Player, but this isn't information that I can just give out freely. More potential in this job than there is money in the Temple of Gold.

Tell you what. You agree to help me, and I'll let you in on the details. I've always kept true to my word, I expect you to do the same.

Player: Accept.

It seems the Balaur have been researching some new Stigma down in the Naduka Biolab. Their subjects were some Krall saps, but something went wrong--they're all dead. It looks like the Drakan researchers have been turned into the undead too, while the handful of survivors fled to Dragonrest to devise some kind of plan.

We want the Stigma Research Diary those Drakan Researchers most likely have on them. The survivors wouldn't have had a chance to take them, so they're ours for the plucking. Get them, and bring them back with some Document Reagent you can get from Eriams.

Get going, Player. If we drag our heels on this we might lose out altogether.

Player: "Leaving now. Blood for blood."

Ah! You're back!

Do you have the Stigma Research Diary? And the Document Reagent from Eriams?

Player: "I think so."

No, no you don't.

Remember, I need the Stigma Research Diary the Drakan Researchers still have on them. Get them, and the Document Reagent, and our world may well change forever!

Player: "I see. I'll be back!"

Hmm, well these look like Balaur documents, but I'll have to work the Document Reagent into the page fibers before we can even start to read what's written.

Still, I owe you my thanks! I'll let you know if I get anywhere with this.

Basic Reward
icon 37 978 207 XP
Additional info
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor, Fighter, Brawler

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Stigma Expansion
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[Group] Spirits and Stigma Slots
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[Group] Spirits and Stigma Slots

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