ID: 30317
[Group] Spirits and Stigma Slots
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Greater Stigma Quest
Level: 55
Asmodian Only

Talk to Herka. Summon Faithful Respondent Utra and ask about the Stigma Ceremony Relics. Find the Stigma Ceremony Relics. PlayerTalk to Garath. The Stigma ceremony requires ancient implements lost to time. Ask Herka where you might be able to find them.
Garath told you that the ceremony required relics lost to time. Herka had no information on them, but had you ask Faithful Respondent Utra about them.

The Drakan ghost told you that the Spirit's Incense Burner and Scroll of Repose were held by long-dead servants of Tiamat and Stormwing.

You talked to them and fulfilled their requests, receiving the Incense Burner and Scroll in return.

You took the implements back to Garath, who successfully performed the ceremony and opened up a new Stigma slot for you.

Full quest's text:
I've been examining the ceremony myself. As a Stigma master, I thought I'd seen it all, but those balfired Dragonbound were on to something.

I've confirmed that it should be safe--it won't brainwash you or bring Drakan down on our heads--but I did discover a serious obstacle to performing it.

Player: "Which is?"

It turns out that we need implements not seen in Atreia since the Millennium War.

I asked Herka to see if she can track them down for us.

If you're still willing to help with this, you can start by asking her if she's made any progress.

Player: Accept.

It's odd that Herka didn't mention to you that she was doing this for me.

Oh, well, those scholars are in their own little world much of the time....

I'll prepare the rest of what we need for the ceremony, so we can start as soon as you return with the lost implements.

Player: "I look forward to it."

Back already? That was quick.

He doesn't seem to have performed the ceremony already.... Was there a problem?

Player: "He asked you to do something...."

Oh! Of course! How silly of me. My studies with the Ancient Dragonbound Document completely pushed it out of my mind.

Yes, the Spirit's Incense Burner and Scroll of Repose.... You'll need both to perform the ceremony.

However, their manufacture has been lost to time, and no known copies of either have survived.

Player: "So what do we do?"

I've been thinking about that. I believe we've already discovered the solution.

Namely, Faithful Respondent Utra in Beshmundir Temple. His name comes up in connection to the ceremony, after all.

The summoning should still function, so you won't need any more Perfumed Oil. But I suggest you hurry, before the consecration wears off.

Player: "I'm already gone."




Player: "I want to perform a Stigma ceremony."


Thou seekest...the Spirit's Incense Burner...and Scroll of Repose....


Player: "But what?"

War...between Stormwing...and Tiamat....

Power ale....

Burner and Scroll...taken to battle....

Player: "Who took them?"

Tiamat's servant...Aeshma...had the Burner....

And Stormwing's servant...Bhemah...the Scroll....

They slew...each other...yet they fight...and Beshmundir...still....

Player: "Ghosts. Joy."

I've been waiting for you. Herka filled me in on what she told you.

Everything's in place, so all I need are the Stigma Ceremony Relics. Did you find them?

Player: "Of course."

My heart is pounding in my chest. Stand over here and let us start.

(He lights the Incense Burner and reads from the Scroll in a harsh, gutteral tongue.)

Do you feel it? The energy flowing through you? Yes, you do.... I can sense it myself.

This is a great day in Stigma research, Player. Thank you, and may your new Stigma slot serve you well.

Basic Reward
icon 5 312 800 XP
Expand Stigma Slot x 1 DP
- Stigma Shard
Additional info
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor, Fighter, Brawler

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Stigma of the Dragonbound
Not accepted quests:
Out of their Cold, Dead Hands
Test Subject One
Not completed quests:
Out of their Cold, Dead Hands
Test Subject One

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