ID: 831256
Glimmertree Village Gardener
icon NPC
<Village Alliance>
Lv.: 60
HP: 17 845
Aggression radius: 20m

A Shugo who tends the garden in Glimmertree Village. The fireflies in the trees at nightfall are a famous sight.

Someone else wants to talk to me? Great. Er, Hello kind Daeva. Nyerk, nyerk.

The Village Improvement Society sent me to this town. They say that you can see fireflies all over the night sky here at Glimmertree Village, but I have yet to see a single one.

Perhaps I have to go into the forest to see them. If only there was time!

No no. Too busy. Plant seeds, water seeds, fertilize plants. They they grow, die, and I have to do it all again. Nyerk!

Player: "I'm sorry? Goodbye."

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