ID: 831275
Riverwell Village Gardener
icon NPC
<Village Alliance>
Lv.: 60
HP: 17 845
Aggression radius: 20m

A Shugo who tends the garden in Riverwell Village. The well water tastes so crisp and clear there used to be a rumor that it had special properties.

Greetings Daeva.

Have you heard the legend of the Balaur Ghost? Say that if you hold a mirror up to a bowl of clean well water on a moonless night while holding kitchen spoon in mouth, a Balaur Ghost will appear!

Nyerk! No one believes these silly old stories any more. When I was little, story like that would scare every little Shugo straight back into bed.

Of course I remember those days. May look young, but I am over 100 years old, akakakak! All from peaceful living and proper eating.

Player: "You don't look a day over 50."

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