ID: 11060
[League] The Orb's Orders
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 55
Elyos Only

Talk with Wivius. Defeat Padmarashka [%5]. Talk with Siaqua. Empyrean Lord Kaisinel gave you a mission: Kill Padmarashka.
Lord Kaisinel's orb ordered you to get rid of Padmarashka.

Following the advice of Wivius, you killed Padmarashka in the Forest of Antiquity. Siaqua rewarded you upon your return.

Full quest's text:
(A message slowly appears within the light of the orb.)

("The time has come, finally, to defeat the mother of Drakan, Padmarashka.")

("Get help from Wivius.")

Player: "That's interesting."

Arieluma, Player. I've been waiting for you.

I could sense that you received the order from the orb. The time has come. You have been chosen to carry out Kaisinel's wishes.

Player: "The orb mentioned Padmarashka."

Yes, Padmarashka has begun to spawn in Gelkmaros. During the egg laying process, she becomes weak. All of her strength goes to reproducing.

Now is the perfect time to attack her! But the Balaur have taken precautions...they're all over the Forest of Antiquity, protecting Padmarashka's Hideout.

That's where you need to go. I'll put together a small strike force to help you, but I wouldn't wait around for them. Now is the time to attack!

Player: "She doesn't stand a chance!"

So she has been defeated? Ahhh, bless Ariel! That'll show the Balaur who's really in control!

But you did so well that Lord Kaisinel will probably continue to give you orders. Better keep that orb close by.

Basic Reward
icon 9 409 172 XP
- Violet Orb
- Greater Supplements (Eternal)
Additional info
Quest giverStanis
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Omega's Fragment

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