ID: 1225
A Coin in Hand
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Verteron
Lv.: 16
Elyos Only

Use a Coin to obtain Laskis' Files and bring them to Anontrite. PlayerUse a coin to obtain Laskis' Files from...Laskis.
Anontrite told you a bit about using reward Coins and asked you to buy an item for her from Laskis.

When you returned with Laskis' Files, she rewarded you with extra Coins and explained that the administration officers specialize in items for combat or magic classes.

Full quest's text:
As you can see, the reward is an Iron Coin.

That way, you use the funds to help purchase something ever you need, rather than having me try to guess what you would like.

I always guess wrong.

Player: "I'm familiar with that problem."

Have you been in possession of Coins before?

We use them as a reward currency. You can purchase a range of unique items with them, but only from a contribution reward officer or administration officer like me.

Here, I'll show you how they work.

Player: Accept.

Take that Iron Coin I gave you earlier over there to Laskis and exchange it for Laskis' Files.

Don't worry, I'll replace the coin, with interest, when you're done.

I just want to show you how simple this barter process is...and he's been avoiding handing over those files for days now.

Player: "I'll get 'em for you."

Ah, back already. I love a good fast turn around time.

Did you get the files from Laskis?

Player: "Here you go."

Um, I'm pretty sure I asked you to bring me Laskis' Files.

Could you go back over to Laskis and see if he can find them? I know he has them.

Player: "I'll ask."

Finally! I've been trying to get these files from Laskis for days. Nicely done.

When you are ready to spend your Coins, make sure to speak with the right administration officer for your class, as we carry different items. I carry items for combat classes, and Laskis specializes in items for the magic classes.

Here's the extra rewards I promised you. Spend it wisely.

Basic Reward
icon 7 500 XP
- Iron Coin
Additional info
Quest giverAnontrite
Recommended level16
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Summons from Anontrite

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