ID: 1305
More Manduri Frillnecks
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Lv.: 20
Elyos Only

Hunt the Hissing Frillnecks in the Manduri forest (15). Talk to Androkles. Hunt the Frillnecks in the Manduri Forest.
Androkles was given permission to hunt more of the Frillnecks in the Manduri Forest and was looking for contractors to do his work. You took up the task and killed 15 of the Frillnecks for him.

Full quest's text:
Good news, my friend!

I've heard from Centurion Maximus, and I have permission to remove the Frillnecks from the Manduri Forest! Isn't that wonderful? Soon balance will be restored and birdsong will again fill the forest!

Nature's return is imminent!

Player: "Nature isn't just birdsong and rainbows...."

Oh, Player....

Listen, you've worked with me before, so I know you can appreciate what I'm trying to do here. All that we're doing now is continuing your work. If you would like to partake in our operation and earn more Kinah, then you would be more than welcome.

What do you say?

Player: Accept.

Good! Excellent!

Let's test that muscle of yours, shall we? Come back after killing 15 of those Hissing Frillnecks and I'll make sure you are duly rewarded.

Faith and arms!

Player: "Faith and arms."

Aha! Nature's shield, the [%userclass] Player, returns.

I have a report ready to be sent up to High Command. Just say the word and your name will be once more be thrust before the proud and beaming form of General Telemachus!

Player: "It is done."

Very good!

But there is little time to celebrate: even now those creatures are breeding and recovering from your onslaught, recouping during their respite. There will always be more work to do, more Frillnecks to hush, and if you are looking for work I will always make sure you are kept busy.

Well done...well done!

Basic Reward
icon 66 900 XP
icon x 2 800
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
icon x 5 000
- Old Green Sack
Additional info
Quest giverAndrokles
Recommended level21
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
The Frillneck Threat

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