ID: 1596
Dead Porgus Walking
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Lv.: 40
Elyos Only

Collect Blacksnout Porgus meat and bring it to Dokurunerk. PlayerHunt Blacksnout Porguses in Medeus Manor and take the Stinking Hip Meat to Food Merchant Dokurunerk so he can try it out.
Dokurunerk told you about his commitment to trying new ingredients and techniques for cooking. He asked you to bring him the meat of undead Porguses to try out, and you agreed. Though it smelled terrible, he assured you it would be delicious.

Full quest's text:
Daeva, you know Dokurunerk would never serve bad food, nyerk?

Player: "I don't know..."

Daeva has listened to lies and rumors and slander! All Dokurunerk's ingredients are highest quality.

Dokurunerk may use untested cooking techniques and new meats, but all in name of experimentation, with customers fully advised, akakak.

Player: "New meats?"

Yes! Only consider--regular Porgus meat is tasty and good, but what about undead Blacksnout Porgus's meat?

Regular Porgus meat is already dead for good, so undead Porgus meat must be better preserved, yes?

Is Daeva interested in finding out?

Player: Accept.

Will need about twenty lumps of Blacksnout PorgusStinking Hip Meat to test out all possible new techniques. Please bring soon, and be careful not to catch diseases, akakak!

Player: "Wait, stinking?"

Did Daeva hunt the Blacksnout Porguses? Did they look plump and juicy and tasty?

Player: "Maybe the first two..."

Daeva afraid of dead Porguses? Ha! What possible threat is there?

Player: "They just creep me out."

Akakak, looks delicious! Maybe a little pungent, but spices will cover...

Basic Reward
icon 1 180 870 XP
icon x 65 700
- Suspicious Red Sack
Additional info
Quest giverDokurunerk
Recommended level40
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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