ID: 21069
Crime Scene Investigation
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 50
Asmodian Only

Collect evidence at the Root Hollow and bring it to Shorleck. PlayerShorleck needs you to collect evidence at the scene of the crime: the place where Shawster's wife disappeared.
Shorleck asked for your help in collecting evidence in Shawster's wife's disappearance.

You went to the place she was last seen and collected evidence like rocks and grasses.

The great detective was pleased by this evidence, and from it, announced that he had solved the mystery.

Full quest's text:
Ah, Player. Allow me to explain my earlier deductions about you. The small scar on your wrist is a brand only given to Ulgorn's Raiders.

Those who spend a significant amount of time in Gelkmaros have boots caked with Plia pollen. Yours, however, only have a light dusting.

And I recognized the crest on that signet you carry as being that of General Suthran. Hence your travels to Altgard.

Player: "Excellent!"

Elementary. Now, my dear Player, Shawster last saw his wife near the Root Hollow at Antagor Canyon.

The stones in the area should still bear minute traces of blood, or whatever the stains Shawster saw were.

I also need a sample of the grass in the area to examine. Will you be my eyes and ears?

Player: Accept.

Capital! Now, for this sample, I need you to cut out a large piece of sod and lift it directly from the ground. I'll tell you why later.

And do memorize what the grass looked like before you disturb it.

These are dark waters, Player. I fear for what we may find, but the truth must be discovered.

Player: "I agree. I'll leave immediately."

Welcome back, Player. While you were gone, I have been conducting inquiries of my own.

This missing assistant, Maron, is quite the interesting figure. I've heard much about him that's been enlightening.

But my investigation cannot proceed without your assistance! Let's see what you've brought.

Player: "Here's what I have...."

This is entirely insufficient for my purposes!

I would go to the Root Hollow myself, but other avenues of investigation pull me away.

I trusted you to do what I would have done. Do not betray that trust!

Player: "You can count on me."

Ah, let's take a look.... Hmmm, I see.... Then this would be.... Yes.... Yes!

Let me look this up.... Now where is that tome...? Ah! Now where'! Hmmm.... As I thought!

Thank you, Player. This confirms all of my previous deductions. This mystery is solved!

Basic Reward
icon 5 980 975 XP
icon x 13 610
- Mithril Coin
Additional info
Quest giverShorleck
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
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