ID: 21456
Research on Mutant Insects
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 51
Asmodian Only

Get rid of Taloc's Roots Creatures(100). Report to Angrad. Angrad said the creatures inhabiting Taloc's Roots are being spotted in Gelkmaros. Go inside Taloc and destroy them for both Taloc's sake and Asmodae's.
Angrad has been ordered to destroy creatures infesting Taloc's Roots so they don't start spreading across Balaurea. But he hates everything about nature, and asked you to go in his stead.

You went inside Taloc and terminated the insects found in the Roots for him. When you returned triumphant, he showed great gratitude.

Full quest's text:
I hate the outdoors! Give me four walls and a warm bed any day!

I hate everything about being outside: the wind, the dirt, the bugs...

Bugs! Oh, shards, I knew I was forgetting something.

Player: "Something about bugs?"

Exactly. It seems this area's gone through a lot of change since the Cataclysm.... Maybe it was more civilized then? Who knows?

Whatever the cause, Taloc's been affected as much as anything else. Insects inside him have been mutated by Aether and gone out of control.

They're not only harming him, but they've been spotted even here in Gelkmaros. You up for an extermination expedition?

Player: Accept.

Thanks. I have orders to do it myself, but I can't spare the manpower, and, well...giant bugs. Disgusting!

The Taloc's Roots Creatures are strong enough to leave Taloc and infest the surrounding areas. If we let them go too long...

Ugh, I shudder just thinking about it. Good luck, and better you than me.

Player: "Thanks for the well-wishes."

Gah! I knew I should've brought some bug balm from Pandaemonium. I spend half my time itching....

Oh, hey, Player. You're covered in leaves and bug guts. I knew I was right to leave this to you. Did you swat down those creatures?

Player: "It took a while, but yes."

I have a feeling you've saved lives today. Now our patrols need not fear Taloc's mutants.

I really do appreciate this. Just thinking of going through what you went through makes me break out in hives.

This isn't nearly enough to repay you for sparing me that agony, but it'll have to do.

Basic Reward
icon 5 233 353 XP
icon x 88 470
Additional info
Quest giverAngrad
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
The Aether Must Flow

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