ID: 2455
Sora's Energy Booster
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 21
Asmodian Only

Collect Vinnas and take them to Sora. PlayerCollect Vinnas in the Patamor Thicket and bring them to Sora so she can make juice.
Sora said that operating the Obelisk is very tiresome, but that drinking juice would boost her energy.

She asked you to collect Vinnas for her, and she was grateful when you complied.

Full quest's text:
When I first arrived here, I thought I would go mad with boredom.

Nobody ever comes here. I mean no one. The only people I ever encountered were people who had gotten lost in the forest.

Lately that's changed, though. All sorts of people have been traipsing through here.

Player: "Is that causing you trouble?"

Sometimes it does. As activity has increased, it's become more difficult to operate the Obelisk. I know it looks easy, but really it requires a great deal of concentration to operate.

It's exhausting, too. I could really use a drink. You don't happen to have any Vinnas do you?

Could you get me some?

Player: Accept.

Player, you have such a beautiful soul.

It won't be difficult to find Vinnas since there are many of them in the Patamor Thicket.

I'd have all I needed if I could just get someone to relieve me here for a time. I could really use a break!

Player: "It seems an easy favor to do."

Are you back with the Vinnas already?

It hasn't been long since you left...

You are very efficient!

Player: "These do look delicious."

They look very good, but these aren't enough to make juice.

Could you get some more Vinnas just like these?

I'll wait for you here.

Player: "No problem."

I'm so glad I asked you.

Thank you so much. Now I can make my juice.

Take this, please. It's a small price to pay for something I desire so much.

Basic Reward
icon 100 097 XP
icon x 7 190
- Bronze Coin
Additional info
Quest giverSora
Recommended level23
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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