ID: 2471
[Group] Legendary Armor
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 37
Asmodian Only

Collect the Spirited Breath Pauldrons and some Mist Mane Hair, and bring them to Ananta. PlayerThe Silver Mane need the Spirited Breath Armor in order to regain their power. Find the Iron-clad Wooden Box and recover the Spirited Breath Pauldrons. Then obtain more Mist Mane Hair and bring it to Ananta along with the Pauldrons.
Ananta told you the story of the Legendary Armor, handed down for generations in the Silver Mane tribe, and asked you to find the Pauldrons for them.

You found the Spirited Breath Pauldrons and brought them to her. She said that all five pieces of the Legendary Armor rightfully belong to Kuriuta, the best warrior of the Silver Mane.

As a reward, she gave you the Pauldrons of Silver Mane Mau.

Full quest's text:
Stand with me, Player. I must gather these treasures.

If not for you...the filthy Mist Manes...would destroy them.

They carrrre nothing...for the history...of the Silver Mane Tribe.

Player: "I want to hear it."

Many trrrreasures are...passed from onnnne...generation to the next. The greatest...of these is the Legendary Armor.

You have...brrrrought back two...but there were five pieces in the set: Shoes, Gloves, Pauldrons, Leggings, and Jacket.

Myukata, the thirrrrd...chieftan of the Silverrrr Mane...was beautiful and wise. A spirrrrit not name...made a gift of it to her.

Player: "Sounds like someone I know."

You must not...say such things. Making the changes the story.

Just one...of the pieces...remains missing: the Pauldrons. Trust me...when I say is the most important one.

You must find...the Spirited Breath Pauldrons for us. No other can do this.

Player: Accept.

This is ourrrr...most important story...and now you are a part of it.

The Spirited Breath Pauldrons the Iron-clad Wooden Box, last...seen when the Mist Mane attacked.

To rrrremind them...of theirrrr crimes...gather Mist Mane Hair along with the Pauldrons.

Player: "Blood for blood."

I saw you rrrrunning...from out of our past.

Each step...brings us a future without the Mist Manes.

How did...your hunting go?

Player: "Swift and easy. I..."

Do not...waste breath with lies. I see yourrrr...empty hands, hear your cold heart.

How do this? Does ourrrr...friendship mean nothing to you?

The Spirited Breath Pauldrons and the Mist Mane Hair...are necessary, if everrrr...the Silver Mane are to regain their strength.

Player: "I will return."

You need not finish. I my hearrrrt...what you will say. To see these...prrrrecious items again...if not for you, Player, they would be lost.

My Chieftainnnn holds...the Spirited Breath Leggings and Jacket. Now, all...five can be Kuriuta, the finest warrior of the Silver Mane.

These Pauldrons...belong on your shoulders. Take them, they are yours.

Basic Reward
icon 1 807 399 XP
- Strange Yellow Sack
Optional Reward
- Pauldrons of Silver Mane Tribe
- Shoulderguards of Silver Mane Tribe
- Spaulders of Silver Mane Tribe
- Shoulderplates of Silver Mane Tribe
Additional info
Quest giverAnanta
Recommended level39
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Group] A Step to Revenge

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